Chickamauga and Chattanooga
Administrative History
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List of incorporators, Chickamauga Memorial Association, 1889.

Alabama--William H. Forney, J.T. Holtzclaw, W.C. Oates, Joseph Wheeler, and S.M.A. Wood.

Arkansas--James H. Berry, Clifton R. Breckinridge, Evander McNair, and L.H. Mangum.

Colorado--G.C. Symes.

District of Columbia--Absalom Baird, H.V. Boynton, and W.S. Rosecrans.

Florida--Wilkinson Call, Robert H.M. Davidson, and Jesse J. Finley.

Georgia--Joseph M. Brown, Alfred H. Colquitt, J.B. Cumming, James Longstreet, Lafayette McLaws, and E.B. Tate.

Illinois--S.D. Adkins, Lyman Bridges, A.C. McClurg, E.A. Otis, John M. Palmer, and P.S. Post.

Indiana--Joseph B. Dodge, W.Q. Gresham, J.J. Reynolds, M.S. Robinson, G.W. Steele, and J.T. Wilder.

Iowa--Frank Hatton and W.P. Hepburn. Kansas--John A. Martin.

Kentucky--C.D. Bailey, J.C.S. Blackburn, R.M. Kelly, G.C. Kniffin, Joseph H. Lewis, Alfred Pirtle, and W.J. Stone.

Louisiana--Randall L. Gibson and Felix Robertson.

Michigan--H.M. Duffield and A.W Wilber.

Minnesota--J.W. Bishop and R.W. Johnson.

Mississippi--Charles E. Hooker, J. Bright Morgan, Jacob Mr Sharpe, J.A. Smith, and Edward C. Walthall.

Missouri--Joseph S. Fullerton, William Henry Hatch, Robert McCulloch, John S. Melton, and W.H. Wade.

New York--C.A. Dana and A.G. McCook.

North Carolina--William R. Cox, David H. Hill, Charles W. McClammey, and Matt W. Ransom.

Ohio--H.M. Cist, W.F. Goodspeed, Charles H. Grosvenor, P.P. Lane, J.G. Mitchell, J.G. Taylor, and Ferd. Van Derveer.

Pennsylvania--William J. Palmer, John Tweedale, and John G. Vale. South Carolina--Ellison Capers and E.M. Law. Tennessee--Frank C. Armstrong, William B. Bate, John C. Brown, S.B. Moe, Adolph S. Ochs, Lucius E. Polk, Alexander P. Stewart, Gates P. Thruston, and Marcus J. Wright.

Texas--C.B. Kilgore, Roger Q. Mills, and William B. Sayers.

Virginia--R.A. Brock, I.M. French, and George D. Wise.

Wisconsin--H.C. Hobart and John L. Mitchell.

United States Army--J.M. Brannan, H.C. Cushing, S.C. Kellogg, Frank G. Smith, and Thomas Jr Wood.

Source: Henry V. Boynton, The National Military Park. Chickamauga-Chattanooga. An Historical Guide (Cincinnati: The Robert Clarke Company, 1895), pp. 248-49.

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Last Updated: 01-Jun-2002