The Civilian Conservation Corps

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Established by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) employed over three million of America's youth to build a solid foundation for many of the nation's recreational areas and initiated the idea of youth service in America. Known to many as the "Tree Army," the CCC planted trees, built roads, constructed lodges and museums, fought fires, handcrafted furniture, and much more. Above all, the CCC built character, taught discipline, provided financial stability, and incidentally prepared many of America's youth for their next phase of service in World War II.

CCC Legacy

The Civilian Conservation Corps and The National Park Service: 1933-1942 — An Administrative History

The National Parks and Emergency Conservation

The Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942: A New Deal Case Study

The Forest Service and the Civilian Conservation Corps: 1933-42