Aztec Ruins
Administrative History
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This is an unexcavated, rectangular settlement at the extreme northeastern boundary of the original national monument, which is overgrown by rank vegetation as a result of waters overflowing from a farmer's pond and cultivated fields. A mapping project carried out in 1988 tentatively traced outlines of some 63 cellular chambers and seven kivas incorporated within the unit (see Figure 9.4). Between this village and the northeast corner of East Ruin, a circular depression suggests a second isolated Great Kiva, smaller than that within the East Ruin courtyard and lacking surface rooms. Peter McKenna, National Park Service archeologist working with the mapping team, believes a wall once existed that ran from Mound A to Mound C to the northeast corner of East Ruin to enclose a formal plaza west and south of the Earl Morris Ruin (see Figure 11.1). [20]

At present there are no plans to excavate the Earl Morris Ruin or incorporate it into the interpretive program. That development may come with implementation of the General Management Plan of 1988 (see Chapter 11).

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Last Updated: 28-Aug-2006