Agate Fossil Beds
Administrative History
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1. Taxes Appraised and Assessed Value of Land and Improvements, 14 January 1965, Magdanz Appraisal, Background Book: "Proposed Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, D18.

2. Background Book: Proposed Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, D18.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. Superintendent Keith E. Miller to Regional Director Garrison, 3 February 1965. A2615; and "Expect Early Action on Measure to Create Agate Fossil Beds Monument," Mitchell Index (14 January 1965), K3415.

6. "Martin Pushes for Early Hearings on Monument Project," Scottsbluff Daily Star-Herald (2 February 1965), K3415.

7. "Fossil Beds Monument Hearings Scheduled to Start March 2nd," Mitchell Index (25 February 1965), K3415.

8. Superintendent Miller to Regional Director Garrison, 3 March 1965, A2615.

9. Assistant Secretary of the Interior John M. Kelly to Rep. Wayne N. Aspinall, letter, 1 March 1965, D18.

10. "Hearings Held Before Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Subcommittee on National Parks and Recreation; H.R. 500, To Provide For The Establishment of the Agate Fossil Beds National Monument In The State of Nebraska, 2 March 1965," Report of Proceedings (Washington, D.C.: Ward and Paul Official Reporters, 1965), D18.

11. Ibid., "Statement of Howard W. Baker, Assistant Director, National Park Service, Department of the Interior."

12. Ibid., H.R. 500, 2 March 1965, Report of Proceedings.

13. Ibid.

14. Ibid.

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid., and "NPS Chief Urges Authorization for Agate Monument," Scotts bluff Daily Star-Herald (17 March 1965), K3415.

17. Kirk Coulter to Senator Roman Hruska, U. S. Senate memorandum, undated (circa March 1968), Box 196 Departmental Correspondence, 90th Congress, 2nd session, folder—Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1968, Hruska papers, Nebraska State Historical Society; and Howard W. Baker, interview with author, Omaha, Nebraska, 13 May 1986, transcript. p. 7.

18. Honorable Roman L. Hruska (former U.S. Senator from Nebraska), interview with author, Omaha, Nebraska, 26 June 1986, transcript, p. 6.

19. Acting Secretary of the Interior John A. Carver, Jr., to Senator Henry M. Jackson, letter, 8 March 1965, D18.

20. "Statement of Howard W. Baker, Assistant Director, National Park Service, Department of the Interior," Hearings Held Before the Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation, Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, In Support of S. 339, To Provide For The Establishment of the Agate Fossil Beds National Monument In The State of Nebraska, and For Other Purposes, 6 April 1965, "Background Book: Proposed Agate Fossil Beds National Monument," D18.

21. "Stenographic Transcript of Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, 6 April 1965 (Washington, D.C.: Anderson Reporting Company, 1965), W 3823.

22. "House Panel Okays Agate Monument Bill," Scottsbluff Daily Star-Herald (6 April 1965), K3415.

23. "Senate Unit Okays Agate Bill Tuesday," Scottsbluff Daily Star-Herald (7 April 1965), K3415.

24. "Interior Committee Approves Agate Bill," Scottsbluff Daily Star-Herald (9 April 1965), K3415.

25. "Agate Bill to House," Scottsbluff Daily Star-Herald (10 April 1965), K3415.

26. "Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Nebraska," H.R. 500, 3 May 1965 Congressional Record—House (Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1965), pp. 9126-7, W3823.

27. "Legislative History," Public Law 89-33, 89th Congress, W3823.

28. "Agate Fossil Beds National Park Now Fact," Gering Courier (28 May 1965), K3415.

29. Superintendent Miller to Regional Director Garrison, 1 April 1965, A2615.

30. Superintendent Miller to Regional Director Garrison, 3 June 1965, A2615.

31. Mrs. Margaret C. Cook to Superintendent Miller, letter, 2 June 1965, H14 Agate Daily Log.

32. "Public Law 89-33; 79 Stat. 123," 89th Congress, 5 June 1965, W3823; and Honorable Roman L. Hruska (former U.S. Senator from Nebraska), interview with author, Omaha, Nebraska, 26 June 1986, transcript, p. 5.

33. Margaret Cook to Roman Hruska, letter, 23 June 1965, box 33; and Margaret Cook to Carl T. Curtis, letter, 23 June 1965, box 25, Cook Papers.

34. Regional Director Lemuel A. Garrison to Margaret Cook, telegram, 9 June 1965, box 29, Cook Papers.

35. Senator Roman Hruska to Mrs. Harold J. Cook, letter, 2 June 1965, Box 22 Correspondence Alphabetical, 88-89th Congress, folder 53, Hruska papers, Nebraska State Historical Society.

36. Roman Hruska to Carl Hayden, letter, 22 April 1965, Box 130 Appropriations Committee Correspondence—Legislation 1965-1966, folder 1965—Appropriations, Interior and Related Agencies, Hruska papers, Nebraska State Historical Society.

37. Superintendent Miller to Regional Director Garrison, 2 July 1965, A2615.

38. Ibid.

39. Acting Superintendent Earl R. Harris to Regional Director Garrison, 4 August 1965, A2615.

40. Ibid., Superintendent Richard Holder to Regional Director, 3 September 1965.

41. Ibid.

42. Ibid.

43. Ibid., 5 October 1965.

44. Ibid., 5 November 1965.

45. Ibid., 1 December 1965.

46. "Notice," Scottsbluff Daily Star-Herald (6 November 1965), K3415.

47. Superintendent Holder to Regional Director Garrison, 4 January 1966, A2615.

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