for the Historical Areas of the National Park System
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Part I

From ancient times, man has perceived the patriotic, inspirational, and educational values of saving relics and monuments of the past. Beginning in the 17th century, European nations came increasingly to view this activity as, in part, a legitimate function of government. By the early 19th century, most of the countries of Europe had enacted laws and established governmental offices to help protect their historic monuments. The sense of governmental responsibility remains strong today throughout the world.

In the United States, public interest in the monuments of the past spread slowly and awakened significantly only in the late 19th century. The State of New York bought George Washington's Newburgh headquarters in 1850. But private effort, exemplified in 1853 by the achievement of the Mount Vernon Ladies Association in saving Washington's home on the Potomac, took the lead over governmental action by this Nation in historic preservation. The centennial observance of American Independence in 1876 stimulated national pride and multiplied private societies dedicated to saving and operating sites and buildings commemorating the formative years of the Republic.

The Federal Government, of course, owned and maintained many historic properties for utilitarian purposes. The White House and the Capitol were recognized as prime monuments of American history throughout the 19th century. The response of Congress to the strong sentiment among Civil War veterans for parks in association with the national cemeteries on the great battlefields of the war began to move the Federal Government toward preservation for commemorative as well as utilitarian purposes. Administered by the War Department, Antietam (1890), Chickamauga and Chattanooga (1890), Gettysburg (1895), Vicksburg (1899), and other battlefield parks formed the beginnings from which the Nation's historical category of parks evolved.

Also, public concern over deterioration of the massive prehistoric ruin of Casa Grande, in Arizona, led Congress to recognize its value to the Nation as a vestige of ancient civilization and to accord it Federal protection. A rider to an 1889 appropriation act authorized the President to reserve the ruins and surrounding land from settlement and sale and to devise protective measures. As part of the public domain, the preservation of Casa Grande was entrusted to the Department of the Interior.

The precedents set late in the 19th century led in the 20th to enactment of basic legislation for the preservation of historic sites and buildings. The Antiquities Act of 1906, originating in public alarm over vandalism of prehistoric ruins in the Southwest, empowered the President to set aside national monuments on the public domain. The National Park Service Act of 1916 created a Federal Bureau in the Department of the Interior to administer national parks and monuments. The Government Reorganization Act of 1933 provided the authority for an Executive Order that transferred administration of historical and military parks in the custody of various Federal departments to the National Park Service. A landmark law, the Historic Sites Act of 1935, established a national historic preservation policy and charged the Secretary of the Interior with carrying out a comprehensive national program. The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 broadened and strengthened the historic preservation policy and authorities of the 1935 Act.

The expanding body of historic preservation legislation expressed a growing public awareness of the value of historic monuments. It also expressed a growing public concern over the rapid sacrifices of landmarks of the past to the demands of the present. Under the broad authority of these laws, and by authorizations in specific enactments, the number of historical areas entrusted to the management of the National Park Service has risen from 26 in 1916, when the Service was created; to 63 in 1935, when the Historic Sites Act enunciated a broad national preservation policy; to 166 today.

Evidences of prehistoric peoples are preserved at such places as Chaco Canyon National Monument and Mesa Verde National Park in the Southwest, Ocmulgee National Monument in Georgia, and Mound City Group in Ohio. The era of European exploration and settlement is recaptured at DeSoto and Coronado National Memorials in Florida and Arizona and at Cabrillo National Monument in California. The colonial period finds expression at Colonial National Historical Park in Virginia, at Castillo de San Marcos National Monument in Florida, and at Pecos National Monument in New Mexico. The Nation's formative years are portrayed at Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia, at Minute Man National Historical Park in Massachusetts, and at Saratoga and Yorktown Battlefields in New York and Virginia, respectively. Almost all the major Civil War battlefields are included in the System. Westward expansion is commemorated at Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in St. Louis, at Custer Battlefield National Monument in Montana, at Golden Spike National Historic Site in Utah, and at forts such as Laramie (Wyoming), Union (New Mexico), and Davis (Texas). The areas representing these and other historical periods and persons offer a panoramic and at the same time a microscopic view of the American past.

The historical area category of the National Park System continues to expand. A fundamental requirement, enunciated by the Congress in the Historic Sites Act of 1935 for historical areas included in the System, is the quality of national significance—significance, that is, to the Nation as a whole rather than to a particular region, state, or locality. In considering proposed historical parks, moreover, the National Park Service also studies suitability and feasibility for park purposes. The criteria of national significance and suitability-feasibility are given in Appendix B to this booklet. It is to be emphasized, however, that these criteria govern administrative recommendations only. Areas are normally added to the System by individual acts of Congress, and the Congress is the ultimate judge of the criteria it shall use in authorizing new parks.

Preservation of individual monuments in Federal ownership is but one facet of the national historic preservation program established by the Congress in the Historic Sites Act of 1935. The act also authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to carry out wide-ranging historical programs, in effect making him responsible for providing national leadership in the field of historic preservation. Aid and encouragement to State and local governments, private organizations, and individual citizens in the preservation of worthy properties is also emphasized as a function of the Federal Government, and programs of support were greatly broadened in the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.

Furthermore, with the rapid changes wrought in the United States by economic growth and technological advances, the definition of what merits preservation has been broadened to encompass more than the individual monument associated with an important person or event. It now includes all manmade evidences of the past, individually and collectively, that by age or character contribute to the total environment. Thus, an old building or group of buildings, a town commons, or a public square that lends dignity and a sense of permanency to a community should be treasured for its aesthetic value and as a link with earlier generations whose contributions undergird and continue to enrich the daily lives of all mankind. As the agency named by the Historic Sites Act and the National Historic Preservation Act to discharge Federal historic preservation responsibilities, the National Park Service for more than 30 years has conducted programs that transcend park boundaries. The National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings identifies places of national historical significance (see criteria, Appendix C) for designation as National Historic Landmarks. To date, more than 800 places have been declared eligible for this recognition.

The Historic American Buildings Survey, conducted in cooperation with the American Institute of Architects and the Library of Congress, identifies and records, by measured drawings and other means, significant examples of American architecture. These records, now embracing 12,000 buildings, are deposited in the Library of Congress and are available for easy reference and study.

The archeological salvage program, conducted in cooperation with other Federal agencies, the States, universities and other institutions of learning, recovers archeological evidences threatened by public works such as dams and highways.

Under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Park Service, with the aid of State authorities, is expanding the National Register maintained pursuant to the Historic Sites Act to include properties of State and local significance as well as those of national significance. The law provides certain safeguards for these registered places.

The National Park Service also is charged with administering a program of matching grants-in-aid to the States and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Grants are for statewide historical surveys, for statewide preservation planning, for individual preservation projects, for the benefit of properties owned by the National Trust, and for the educational and technical assistance programs of the Trust.

Finally, the Service provides staff support for the Advisory Board on National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings and Monuments (established by the Historic Sites Act of 1935) and the National Advisory Council on Historic Preservation created by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. The Council, composed of six cabinet officers, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and 10 citizen members appointed by the President, recommends to the President and the Congress measures needed to strengthen still further the national preservation effort. The Advisory Board, consisting of 11 members appointed by the Secretary, reviews proposals for new parks and for major changes in old ones and the policies and programs relating thereto.

Thus, by cooperative effort with other Federal agencies, with State and local governments, and with organizations and individuals in the private sector, the National Park Service complements its stewardship of the Nation's prime monuments with programs aimed at preserving the American heritage in all its manmade elements as a vital, meaningful part of modern life.



The preservation of historic structures, objects and sites (grounds or terrain) is fundamental to their continued use and benefit. Hence, preservation is a prerequisite to use. In actual practice, the two objectives usually complement rather than conflict with each other. Occasionally, however, use, such as at a historic building, must be regulated and, indeed, limited in order to preserve the resource.

Management of historical areas also encourages appropriate uses of such natural and recreational resources as may be within a historical area when such uses can be accommodated without detriment to the preservation and use of the historical resources.

Much of the success in preserving and interpreting the historic resources within an area depends upon the quality of the environment surrounding the area. Management, therefore, is desirous of cooperating with adjoining owners and agencies responsible for planning and managing properties within the vicinity of a historical area which may influence the environment of the area.

In its management of historic properties, the National Park Service uses the term historic in a broad sense to include prehistoric as well as historic periods, or a combination of the two. Likewise, for management purposes, historic resources are defined as follows:

Historic Sites (Grounds or Terrain)
A historic site is a distinguishable piece of ground or area upon which occurred some important historic event, or which is importantly associated with historic events or persons, or which was subjected to sustained activity of man—historic, prehistoric, or both. The topography itself may have been shaped by the activity of man. Examples of historic sites (grounds or terrain) are battlefields, historic campgrounds, historic trails, and historic farms.

Historic Structures
A historic structure is a work of man, either prehistoric or historic, consciously created to serve some form of human activity. A historic structure is usually, by nature or design, immovable. Besides buildings of various kinds, the term includes engineered works such as dams, canals, bridges, stockades, forts and associated earthworks serving a similar purpose, Indian mounds, gardens, historic roads, mill races and ponds.

Historic Objects
Historic objects are material things of functional, esthetic, cultural, or scientific value that are usually, by nature or design, movable. They are ordinarily regarded as museum specimens. If, however, they are large and not readily portable, they are ordinarily treated as structures (e.g., nautical vessels, statues).

Historic Resources
Historic sites (grounds or terrain), structures, and objects are the prime resources within the historic areas of the National Park System. In addition, such historic resources may exist, in varying degree, in those units of the System classified as natural areas and recreational areas. Regardless of the location of such historic resources in the System, the administrative policies in this section apply to their preservation, management, and use.

All of these resources enrich and illuminate the cultural heritage of our Nation. Accordingly, it is appropriate and desirable that these historic resources be made available for public use to the greatest extent practicable. To achieve this objective, however, it is neither necessary nor practicable that each resource, especially structures, be accorded the same detailed research and expensive effort required for an exact full restoration.

As to a historic structure, it is often better to retain genuine old work of several periods, which may have cultural values in themselves, than to restore the whole to its aspect at a single period.

Moreover, some historic structures, occasionally, are included within the National Park System incidental to the establishment of an area for another purpose, e.g., nature preservation or commemoration of a significant event with which a building may not be directly associated. Often these structures are already in an advanced state of deterioration. Their preservation or restoration, in these circumstances, may not be warranted by their significance and the cost of preservation or restoration. In such cases, appropriate examples should be recorded by the Historic American Buildings Survey whenever possible. On the other hand, when sound structures of intrinsic artistic merit in themselves or that are valuable in illustrating the history of the Nation, a State, or locality are included in similar circumstances, their retention and use is encouraged. Appropriate examples may be restored to one of the degrees indicated below.

Consistent with the congressional policy enunciated in the Historic Sites Act of 1935 and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the historic structures within the areas of the National Park System are classified according to the following definitions of significance:

First Order of Significance. Those structures which, in terms of uniqueness, antiquity, or historical, architectural, or cultural associations as assessed against the criteria of national significance applied in evaluating potential National Historic Landmarks, are significant in the preservation and interpretation of the history of the Nation.

Second Order of Significance. Those structures significant primarily in the presentation and interpretation of the history of a region or State.

Third Order of Significance. Those structures significant primarily in the presentation and interpretation of the history of a community or locality.

Treatment of Properties
The historic structures within the areas of the National Park System are accorded a variety of treatments depending upon their significance. The types of treatment which may be accorded these historic structures are described as follows:

Preservation. Application of measures designed to sustain the form and extent of a structure essentially as existing when the National Park Service assumes responsibility. Preservation aims at halting further deterioration and providing structural safety but does not contemplate significant rebuilding. Preservation includes:

(a) Techniques of arresting or slowing the deterioration of a structure;

(b) Improvement of structural conditions to make a structure safe, habitable, or otherwise useful;

(c) Normal maintenance and minor repairs that do not change or adversely affect the fabric or historic appearance of a structure.

Restoration. The process of accurately recovering, by the removal of later work and the replacement of missing original work, the form and details of a structure or part of a structure, together with its setting, as it appeared at some period in time. Restoration includes:

(a) Full restoration—both exterior and interior.

(b) Partial restoration—exterior, interior, or any partial combination. Partial restoration is adopted when only parts of a structure—external, internal, or in combination—are important in illustrating cultural values at its level of historic significance, or contribute to the values for which the area was designated.

(c) Adaptive restoration—all or a portion (façade, for example) of the exterior restored, with interior adapted to modern functional use. Adaptive restoration is the treatment for structures that are visually important in the historic scene but do not otherwise qualify for exhibition purposes. In such cases, the façade or so much of the exterior as is necessary, should be authentically restored to achieve the management purpose so that it will be properly understood from the public view. The interior, in these circumstances, is usually converted to a modern, functional use. The restored portion of the exterior should be faithfully preserved in its restored form and detail.

Reconstruction. The process of accurately reproducing by new construction the form and details of a vanished structure, or part of it, as it appeared at some period in time. Reconstruction includes:

(a) Full reconstruction.

(b) Partial reconstruction.


List of Classified Structures
Consistent with the legislation involving a particular area and the primary purpose of the area, all historic structures in areas of the National Park System that may be worthy and practicable of preservation should be retained for public use. All such properties should be recorded on the List of Classified Structures. The List of Classified Structures should reflect the order of significance of the properties recorded, as determined by the appropriate Regional Director, with professional assistance from the Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation.

Preservation is the treatment to be considered first. And the important consideration is whether a historic site or structure should be retained in essentially the state in which it came under the control of the National Park Service.

Structures on the List of Classified Structures of either the first, second, or third orders of significance may be preserved on one of the following bases: (1) Preservation is the most desirable treatment; (2) the significance and interpretive value of the structure does not justify the cost of restoration; (3) there are not sufficient data to permit accurate restoration; (4) restoration is indicated but must, for cost or other reasons, be postponed; (5) the structure upon acquisition already possesses the integrity and authenticity required; or (6) the work of a higher treatment has been completed, e.g., once restored, a structure is then preserved.

When needed to interpret properly the historic values of the area, historic structures may be fully and exactly restored when of the first order of significance or a vital element of a site or complex of structures of the first order of significance. Fully restored structures will usually be maintained for exhibition purposes only. Once restored, they should be faithfully preserved in form and detail.

When needed to interpret properly the historic values of the area, historic structures of the second and third orders of significance are eligible for lesser degrees of restoration, such as adaptive restoration or partial restoration. Moreover, such historic structures should serve living, utilitarian uses, consistent with interpretation of the historic values of the area. (See also Compatible Use of Historic Structures, p. 27, this section.)

Reconstruction should be authorized only when the following conditions are met:

(a) All or almost all traces of a structure have disappeared and its recreation is essential for public understanding and appreciation of the historical associations for which the park was established.

(b) Sufficient historical, archeological, and architectural data exist to permit an accurate reproduction.

(c) The structure can be erected on the original site or in a setting appropriate to the significance of the area, as in a pioneer community or living farm, where exact site of structures may not be identifiable through research.

Building and Fire Codes
In the preservation of historic structures, every attempt should be made to comply with local building and fire codes and to cooperate with local officials. However, compliance should not be allowed to destroy or impair the integrity of the structure. Where full compliance is not feasible, occupancy of the structure at any one time should be limited to the capacity of hall, stairways, and exits. (See also Safety and Public Health, p. 54, Resource and Visitor Use Policy section.)

Fire Detection and Suppression
Where warranted by the significance or value of a historic structure or its contents, adequate fire warning and suppression systems should be installed. A detection system is preferable to a suppression system, which could do more damage than fire. Where a manned fire station exists near the structure, a detection system providing a signal directly to the local fire authorities should be installed. Also, fire personnel should be advised of any peculiarities or dangers inherent in the structure and the features and contents whose value warrants the greatest care in the event of fire.

Where a detection system of this type is not practicable, a suppression system should be installed. Fog or freon systems are preferable. Sprinkler systems should be used only in structures whose fabric and contents are not likely to be irreparibly damaged by water. Foam systems should be used only when the structure can be swiftly vacated.

In planning and installing detection or suppression systems, the integrity of the structure and the requirements of its interpretation will be respected. (See also Safety and Public Health, p. 54, Resource and Visitor Use Policy section.)

Acquisition of Historic Structures
The purchase or acceptance as gifts of historic structures situated outside historical areas is permitted only when there is available an authentic structure that would otherwise have to be reconstructed for interpretive purposes in the area.

A historic structure that is germane to the interpretive theme of an area and that was formerly located on a site that has been included in an area of the System may be acquired and returned to that site.

Moving Historic Structures
Historic structures of the first order of significance bear an important relation to their sites and, therefore, should be preserved in situ. If, however, such a structure has been previously moved, it may be returned to its original location if desirable for interpretive purposes.

Historic structures of the second and third orders of significance may be moved when there is no feasible alternative for their preservation, when their importance is other than in direct relation to their location, or when desirable for interpretive purposes.

In moving a historic structure, every effort should be made to reestablish its historic orientation, immediate setting and general relationship to its environment. If it is necessary to move a number of buildings, they may be arranged in an ensemble appropriate to their historic character.

Additions to Historic Structures
Modern additions, such as heating and air-conditioning equipment, are permitted in historic structures of the first order of significance to the extent they can be concealed within the structure or its setting.

Other modern construction may be added to historic structures of the second or third orders of significance when necessary for their continued use. A modern addition should be readily distinguishable from the older work; however, the new work should be harmonious with the old in scale, proportion, materials, and color. Such additions should be as inconspicuous as possible from the public view and should not intrude upon the important historic scene.

Damaged or Destroyed Historic Structures
Historic structures that are damaged or destroyed by fire, storm, earthquake, war, or other accident may be restored or reconstructed in accordance with the restoration and reconstruction policies stated herein.

By definition, ruins are classified as historic structures and will be accorded treatment as indicated herein for the several classes of historic structures.

The preservation techniques designed to arrest further deterioration of ruins are encompassed by the term "ruins stabilization."

Ruins on unexcavated sites should be stabilized only to the extent necessary to preserve them for further investigation. Sites should not be excavated until adequate provisions have been made for the stabilization of ruins as they are exposed. In cases where ruins are too fragile for direct contact, or where deterioration would result from sustained contact, visitor use should be strictly limited or prohibited. The deliberate creation of ruins out of whole structures that come under the care of the National Park Service is prohibited.

Historic Gardens
Historic gardens, by definition, are classified as historic structures and will be accorded treatment as indicated herein for the several classes of historic structures. When restored, gardens should be provided intensive maintenance to preserve their correct historic character and prevent over growth. (See also Specimen Trees, p. 26, this section, and Landscape Management, p. 33, Resource Management Policy section.)

Historic Objects
Historic objects related directly to the history of the area may be acquired by gift, loan, exchange, or purchase, in conformance with legal authorizations and existing procedures and preserved in the area for study and interpretive purposes. A reasonable number of specimens not related directly to the history of the area, also, may be included in the collection for purposes of comparative study. The original fabric of historic structures should not be mutilated to secure specimens for museum collections. Where some of the original fabric is removed incidental to structural repair, such portions of the building may be kept in museum collections if they reveal significant facts about the structure. All historic objects for which the Service is responsible should be properly documented and recorded in accordance with prescribed procedures, and receive the curatorial care needed for optimum preservation.

Historic objects that are excess to the management needs of the Service may be disposed of in accordance with applicable laws and procedures.

Protection of Antiquities
The Federal Antiquities Act of 1906 (34 Stat. 225; 16 U.S.C. 431) makes it a Federal offense for any person to appropriate, excavate, injure, or destroy any historic or prehistoric ruin or monument, or any object of antiquity, situated on lands owned or controlled by the United States. The act, however, does authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue permits for examination and excavation of ruins to properly qualified institutions subject to prescribed rules and regulations. The collecting of antiquities in historical areas is, therefore, not permitted, except by institutions under permit from the Secretary or by Service employees in the performance of their duties. (See also Collecting without Permits, p. 53, Collecting by Permit, p. 54, and Sale of Native Handicraft and Artifacts, p. 51, Resource and Visitor Use Policy section.)

Historic Sites
In the preservation and use of historic sites (grounds or terrain), manmade features introduced after the date or period of the event commemorated that are compatible with the historic scene may be retained, except where they hamper visitor understanding of the event commemorated or are incongrous intrusions on the historic scene. Natural accretions of time, such as forest growth, also may be retained unless it hampers visitor understanding of the event commemorated. To the extent necessary for visitor understanding, elements of the historic scene may be restored, including restoration of manmade features, vegetative growth, and historic land uses.

Agricultural Uses
Agricultural uses, including demonstration farms, are encouraged in historical areas where they conform to those in practice in the historical period of the area.

Agricultural uses, including domestic livestock grazing, that do not conform to those in practice in the historic period of the area are permitted where they contribute to the maintenance of a historic scene, are sanctioned by law, or are incidental to visitor use. Where grazing has been permitted and its continuation is not specifically covered by the aforestated conditions, it should be eliminated through orderly and cooperative procedures with the individuals concerned.

Grazing by Service or concessioner pack-and-saddle stock may be permitted, also, where it contributes to the maintenance of a historic scene; otherwise, it should be limited to those locations where dry feeding is clearly impracticable.

Specimen Trees
Woods, forests, and individual specimen trees contributing to the historical integrity of a historical area should be managed intensively to maintain the historic scene. Cutting of trees as "living history," as at Hopewell Village, should be encouraged. Trees that pose a safety hazard should be removed. Diseased, dying, or dead trees that threaten to disturb the ecology of the area may be removed provided the total ecological effects of removal will be more desirable than other management actions could produce. Every effort, however, should be made to extend the lives of specimen trees dating from the historic period of a historical area.

Visitor Facilities
Visitor facilities should be planned, designed and located so as to cause the least possible disturbance to and intrusion on the historic features and the historic scene. Where such facilities already exist as intrusions, their removal should be accomplished as soon as feasible. (See also Physical Development Policy section, p. 63.)

Quality of Environment
To achieve the purpose of a historical area, i.e., preservation and appropriate public use, planning and management should be related to the total environment in which the area is located. (See also Master Plan Policy section, p. 39.) Such planning and management recognizes the need for transportation arteries, utility and communication corridors, consumptive resource uses, and residential, commercial, and recreation land uses in the environs of the park as parts of a systematic plan assuring viability and good health of the park and the surrounding region

The Service should be alert to peripheral use and development proposals that impinge on the environment of a historical area. Moreover, it should cooperate with and encourage joint and regional planning among public agencies, organizations, and individuals having responsibility for maintaining the quality and aesthetics of the environment surrounding historical areas.

Historic Districts
The Service will cooperate in the programs and purposes of historic districts, particularly in urban areas, to encourage the preservation of an environment compatible in character, texture, and productive use with the historic resources of the area. (See also Soil and Moisture Conservation, p. 36, Resource Management Policy section.)

Planning Commissions, Zoning Boards
The Service seeks to cooperate with municipal planning commissions, zoning boards, and other agencies to the extent compatible with the purposes of a historical area in order to promote a viable, orderly environment of which the area is an integral part. (See also Master Plan Policy, section, p. 39.)

Living Historical Interpretation
Living historical interpretation, costumed guides, authentic craft demonstrations, firing of historic small arms and cannon, use of agricultural and industrial implements and practices, and the like, are encouraged.

Compatible Use of Historic Structures
Use of historic structures for meetings, concerts, and social gatherings helps to deepen the cultural value of the physical structures and gives visitors a more intimate feeling of continuity between the present and the past. Such uses are to be encouraged when compatible with the primary purpose of the area. All traditional and modern communication techniques, including the use of period costumes, living farms, and other demonstrations, may be employed to enhance visitor interest, enjoyment, and understanding of the Nation's history.

Historic structures may be used for appropriate meetings, concerts, dances, social gatherings, celebrations, and the like, consistent with the historical values of the park. Except when such activities have a direct interpretive or traditional role, they must be scheduled to avoid the hours of maximum visitor use.

Historic structures may also be utilized for commercial and residential purposes, when compatible with the primary purpose of the area.

Reasonable fees may be charged for the use of facilities. (See also Fees, p. 66, and Cultural Facilities, p. 66, Physical Developments Policy section.)



A reliable body of historical, architectural, and archeological research data is crucial to the proper preservation and interpretation of the historical areas of the National Park System, as well as to the professional quality of the national historic preservation programs for which the Service is responsible. The Historic Sites Act of 1935 explicitly recognizes the importance of research by placing it first among the authorities granted the Secretary of the Interior to carry out the national historic preservation policy.

Extensive research in history, architecture, and archeology supports the key Service programs that forward the national historic preservation policy—the National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings, the National Historic Landmark Program, the Historic American Buildings Survey, and the Archeological Salvage Program. Likewise, an extensive research program in these disciplines supports the preservation, development, interpretation, and management of the historical areas administered by the National Park Service.

The Service should be capable at all times of proving the authenticity of its preservation, restoration, and reconstruction work and the accuracy of its interpretation to the public. It is, therefore, a fundamental principle that research must precede planning and development of a historical area.

Data necessary for park planning, development, and interpretation are provided by historical research in documentary sources, architectural research in structural fabrics, and archeological research in subsurface artifacts and structural remains. For the purposes of research to be properly served, it must be conducted by trained professionals working in close collaboration with researchers in allied disciplines and with park planners.


Research Plan
The public use, protection, development, interpretation, and management of the natural and cultural resources of a historical area shall be predicated on documented data obtained through organized professionally conducted research. The status of research in each historical area shall be defined in a research management plan for the park. The plan will indicate work that has been accomplished and lay out an orderly program for accomplishment of additional research needed to support park development, interpretation, and management.

Research Program
The collection of research materials pertinent to the park resources and interpretive theme, and to the administrative history of the park is encouraged. Such material, however, should be confined to printed sources and notes and copies of printed or documentary sources. Except where circumstances warrant, original archival material shall not be acquired unless specifically authorized by the Director.

Cooperative Research
Use of park resources, research files, and collection of artifacts for study by recognized educational and scientific institutions and by scholars is encouraged. To the extent practicable and compatible with visitor use requirements, facilities and assistance may be made available to such researchers.

Research Centers
The Service may establish research centers, in or out of parks, devoted to the fields of archeology, history, and historic architecture when the following criteria can be met:

1. The research center will provide the best means to satisfy long-range purposes, with reasonable assurance that short-term objectives can also be accomplished.

2. There exists under Service control or there is otherwise available collections of documents, photographs, artifacts, and architectural remains, etc., that can be best studied in a distinct establishment in a particular location.

3. There exists or can be built an adequate facility for the proper care, preservation, cataloging, storage, and study of research materials, including adequate study or laboratory rooms with the necessary scientific equipment.

4. There exists or can be funded staff adequate to accomplish the research mission of the center.

5. The mission of the research center is oriented toward Service responsibilities for historic preservation, development, and interpretation.

Research Stations
The Service will participate in appropriate ways in the establishment by outside agencies in historical areas of research stations which focus significantly upon studies of park resources. Proposals for a research station within a park should demonstrate that (a) the sponsoring institution is one of stability and competence, (b) the research plan and the development plan are adequate and consistent with the objectives and policies of the park concerned, and (c) the financial plan is sound and promises fruition of the enterprise. The research programs of such stations should include research within the scope of the management-oriented park archeological and historical research plan. The research programs may also embrace basic research independently conceived.

The foregoing does not necessarily exclude research reaching beyond the boundaries of the park. However, research stations sponsoring research programs which are primarily non-park oriented may not be located in historical areas.

The station should be of a nature and in a location that does not impinge upon the historic scene or come into conflict with visitor use.

The research station development should be consistent with the Master Plan, taking into account location, development plan, design and the like.

An understanding should be reached as to the degree to which the Service will provide utilities, road access, and trails, and provide for maintenance of the same. Service participation will quite likely vary from project to project, depending in part upon the benefits expected to inure to park management from the station.

In the administration of the station, appropriate representation on the governing board should give the Service a voice on matters of research policy, research orientation, and in the operating policy of the station.

Such stations may not be closed institutions restricting participation to associates of the sponsoring institution. Rather, acceptance of applicants for use of the facilities should generally be based upon conformance of the proposed research to the research orientation and program agreed upon for the station.

Modest rather than large research stations are preferred, and limitations should be agreed upon as to the eventual size of the development, the scope of the research contemplated, and upon the number of personnel to be served by the station.

Whenever possible, the Service will provide as liaison with each research station an on-site research archeologist, historian, or architect to facilitate the operation of the research station in the area.

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Last Updated: 05-Jun-2007