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Meadow studies, wetter places in good conditions, not too heavily used. Grasses 21/2 to 4 inches tall.
SEKI Historic Image
Meadow studies, wetter places in good conditions, not too heavily used. Grasses 21/2 to 4 inches tall.
National Park Service
J.E. Armstrong, 410901, Williams Meadow, KCNP, Meadow studies, wetter places in good conditions, not too heavily used. Grasses 21/2 to 4 inches tall.
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Public domain
Williams Meadow, California
option 1
J.E. Armstrong
Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:41:32 PM
Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:41:32 PM
Monday, January 1, 0001 12:00:00 AM
21.8 MB
Scenic , Historic