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c 1862

These Ketcham grenades were discovered aboard Cairo. The grenade has an open hole in one end. The plunger shaft fitted in this hole. They were used in siege operations at Port Hudson, Vicksburg and Petersburg. During the Civil War, hand-grenades were still in the early phases of development. However, they were unreliable because their fuses often made them more dangerous for the thrower than for those receiving the grenade.
Iron. L 10, Dia 4 cm
Vicksburg National Military Park , VICKC 1482


Iron. L 12, Dia 1.7 cm
Vicksburg National Military Park
, VICKC 1483

Iron. L 12, Main Part Dia 4.1, Head Dia 5 cm
Vicksburg National Military Park
, VICKC 1484