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Foods from the Lincoln Home


Assorted seeds found next to the south porch wall.

Although the Lincolns had a garden, Mary Lincoln shopped most days for the foods they didn’t have in the garden.  Some nuts, like this walnut found in the back yard were either grown in their garden or a neighbor’s.  There are still walnut trees in the neighborhood.

Seed. Dia 3 cm
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, LIHO 4367

Assorted Bones

Commonly eaten meats in the 1850s included pork (left upper screen), beef, turkey, chicken, and local game.  Although the Lincolns had a garden, Mary Lincoln shopped most days for the foods they didn’t grow or raise. 

Pig bone. L 7.7, W 1.5, D 1.5 cm
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, LIHO 5241

Sirloin Bones
Bone. L 11.1, W 7, D 1.5 cm
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, LIHO 5242

Turkey Bones
Bone. L 10.8, W 2.7, D 1.4 cm
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, LIHO 5244

Chicken Bones
Bone. L 6.2, Dia 1 cm
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, LIHO 5261