Portrait of Chief Pesh-la-cai
[Navajo name: Bééshligaii ’Il’íní, Silver Maker]

By Elbridge Ayer Burbank

Maternal Clan: Tsénjíkiní [Honey Combed Rock People]
Paternal Clan: Tótsohnii
Father: Tótsohnii Hastiin [Ganado Mucho]
Mother: Unknown
Spouse: Asdzaa Alts’isi [Small Woman]
Children: 2 children
Sibling: Hashké Yil Nááyá [He Decended in Anger], Hashké Yil Yilwol [He is running Along in Anger], Hashké Nádzá [He Returned in Anger], Bina’onil [Moving Around Her, see HUTR 2022], Bílii Lání [Many Horses, see HUTR 1992], and Hastiin Adee’lohí [The Man Who Ropes], John Sání’s wife, Hastiin Yázhí Bidaghaa’ Lání, Mrs. Chee Dodge’s wife’s mother, Haské Yil Nádzá, Bílii Bida’ Bi’ Asdzaa, Diné Tlízhinii Bi’ Asdzaa, Siláo Sání Bi’ Asdzaa

Like his brother Many Horses, Chief Pesh-la-cai was a leader for many years in his community. He met his first wife, Asdzaa Alts’isi [Small Woman, see HUTR 1919] at Fort Sumner and married at Fort Sumner around 1866. The chief's family resided in Cornfields, Arizona.

Conte crayon on paper. L 38.0, W 26.7 cm
Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, HUTR 1914

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