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c 1950-1960's
Made by Telectron

Mamie Doud Eisenhower carried this alarm transmitter to stay in touch with her US Secret Service detail. The large white button on the lid sends a signal which activates an alarm.
Leather, metal, plastic. L 9, W 6, H 3 cm

Eisenhower National Historic Site, EISE 5698.

Secret Service
This is one of the few portable pieces of US Secret Service equipment in the Eisenhower National Historic Site museum collection. However, there are still closed circuit TV cameras, electric eye beams, and spotlights installed by the Secret Service that remain on the grounds of the Eisenhower home. The Secret Service office, located in the barn’s milk house, has been restored to it original appearance. It includes most of the original furnishings. Each time the President came out to the Farm, he was accompanied by a contingent of 35 – 40 agents. They worked 8 to 10 agents on a shift and when off duty stayed at a motel down the road. The Eisenhowers were the first presidential couple to be assigned Secret Service protection in retirement, the result of legislation passed after the Kennedy assassination.

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