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A French Woman Greets the 2nd French Armored Division on Its Way to Liberate Paris

On August 25, 1944, Free French forces under the command of Colonel Pierre Billotte entered the city of Paris.  Tens of thousands of Parisians came out to welcome their liberators.  The French troops were supplied with American tanks and other equipment.

Generals Eisenhower and Bradley had agreed to allow the 2nd French Armored Division, of which Colonel Billotte’s unit was a part, to have the honor of liberating the French capitol.  The 2nd French Armored Division was commanded by Major General Philippe Leclerc, a hero who had fought the Germans in North Africa.    

Despite the fact that there were still some German soldiers fighting in the city, General Charles de Gaulle soon made an appearance.  The four-year long Nazi occupation of the capital of France came to a jubilant end as the inhabitants of Paris greeted their countrymen with flags, cheers, the pealing of church bells, hugs, kisses, and gifts of food, wine, and flowers.  Outnumbered, the commander of the German garrison, General Dietrich von Choltitz, ignored Hitler’s orders to destroy the city and instead surrendered.  It was a time of great celebration.       

National Archives 23-0460a