Photo of Museum Object(s) - See caption.

Seeds and Kernels

Squash Seeds [top left]
Chaco Anasazi
Site name, Gallo Cliff Dwelling
AD 1100-1200
Chaco Culture National Historical Park, CHCU 33037

Corn Kernels [top right]
Chaco Anasazi
Site name, Gallo Cliff Dwelling
AD 1100-1200
Chaco Culture National Historical Park, CHCU 33039

Seed [bottom right]
Chaco Anasazi
Site name, Gallo Cliff Dwelling
AD 1100-1200
Chaco Culture National Historical Park, CHCU 33036

Pinon Shells [bottom left]
Chaco Anasazi
Site name, Gallo Cliff Dwelling
AD 1100-1200
Chaco Culture National Historical Park, CHCU 33035

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