NCBN Staff

photo of Sara Stevens
Sara Stevens - Network Program Manager
Sara received her M.S. in Natural Resources at the University of Rhode Island in 1995, and her B.A. in Anthropology at the University of Rhode Island in 1990. Sara's graduate research focused on the effects of forest edge and landscape dynamics on mammal populations within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest of Sergipe, Brazil. Sara's professional experience prior to joining the Park Service in 2001, included working as a ecologist for the State of Massachusetts at the Camp Edwards Military instillation on Cape Cod and wetland ecologist for a private consulting firm in Rhode Island. Her expertise includes the conservation of vertebrate population, with an emphasis on mammalian, avian, and amphibian populations of the Northeast. Sara is currently the Coordinator of the National Park Service, Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network, Inventory and Monitoring Program.
Photo of Dennis Skidds
Dennis Skidds - Data Manager
Dennis received his M.S. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Rhode Island in 2003 and his B.A. in Philosophy and Psychology from Brown University in 1995. His graduate research focused on the assessment of vernal pools as breeding habitat for vulnerable amphibian species. Prior to joining the Park Service in 2007, Dennis worked with the URI Environmental Data Center on a wide array of natural resource related GIS, web design, and data management projects for academic and government clients. His professional experience has included volunteer positions with the National Park Service working on grassland habitat restoration, as well as piping plover monitoring with the Massachusetts Audubon Society. His expertise includes wetland ecology, habitat conservation and restoration, and the use of GIS and database technology in natural resource inventory and monitoring efforts. Dennis is currently the Data Manager for the National Park Service, Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network, Inventory and Monitoring Program.
Photo of Holly Plaisted
Holly Plaisted - Biologist
Holly has a B.S. in Environmental Conservation and an M.S. in Natural Resources from the University of New Hampshire and worked at Cape Cod National Seashore for over 10 years as a Biotech and most recently a Biologist/Data Manager. Her experience includes leading field and laboratory teams in monitoring coastal ecosystems including salt marsh (vegetation, nekton, and breeding birds), estuary (water quality and seagrass), freshwater lake and wetland (water quality and vegetation), and ocean beach in support of natural resource management decision-making. In addition, she has acted as the park’s state-listed breeding and migrating shorebirds program coordinator.
Photo of James Lynch
James Lynch - Biologist
Jim received his M.S. in Biology from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette in 1989 and his B.S. degree in Biology and Chemistry from the University of Delaware in 1986. Jim's graduate research focused on Sedimentation and Nutrient Accumulation in Mangrove forests in the US and Mexico. Prior to joining the NPS, Jim worked for the US Geological Survey researching elevation change in wetland environments. He has extensive experience in all aspects of monitoring of elevation change in wetland ecosystems, including GPS surveying and the installation and use of the Surface Elevation Table (SET). Jim is currently a Biologist with the Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network and also coordinates SET monitoring activities for the Northeast Temperate and National Capital Region Networks.
Photo of Robin Baranowski
Robin Baranowski - Biological Science Technician
Robin received her B.S. in Wildlife Conservation Biology at the University of Rhode Island in 2010. Prior to joining the Park Service, Robin worked at URI as a Research Assistant in the Natural Resources Department, and as a Teacher's Assistant in Field Botany and Taxonomy for several years. Her expertise includes identification of terrestrial and aquatic plants, and her professional experiences includes assisting in monitoring and inventory projects of birds, reptiles, amphibians, and nekton. Beside field work, Robin has extensive experience in formatting and copy editing natural resource publications for the Park Service. Robin is currently an instructor for a Field Botany and Taxonomy class during summer sessions at URI, and a Biological Science Technician with the Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network.
Scott Rasmussen profile picture

Scott Rasmussen - Biological Science Technician/Assistant Data Manager

Scott received a Master of Environmental Science and Managements from the University of Rhode Island in 2013 and a B.A. in Geology and Geological Oceanography from the University of Rhode Island in 2011. As a graduate student, Scott worked for the Rhode Island Geological Survey where he monitored geomorphology along the RI south shore. Prior to joining the Park Service, Scott worked for the Environmental Data Center, a GIS lab at the University of Rhode Island where he was the lead field scientist for RI salt marsh monitoring and habitat restoration projects along with continued monitoring of the RI south shore. Scott’s focus has been on salt marsh elevations and their relationship to local tide levels through conducting both GPS and traditional survey techniques. Scott is currently the Assistant Data Manager and Biological Science Technician with the Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network.

Last updated: August 22, 2019