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Data Access

Glacier Bay NP
Bill Eichenlaub
Physically unique, biologically diverse and experientially breathtaking, Glacier Bay has it all…over 1100 miles of coastline transitioning from fjord estuarine systems to lowland rainforests and upward to rugged alpine mountains. The complexity of these juxtaposed ecosystems is tremendous, and managers are presented with scientific data ranging from deep-water oceanographic profiles to bear habitat distribution to seasonal whale abundance to areas of cultural sensitivity.

In order to make informed decisions with an information base so voluminous and detailed, managers must have a system that organizes and presents the data in a comprehensible fashion. This poster illustrates one of the methods used in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve to help managers access and use detailed scientific data.

These databases were designed to enable managers with no GIS skills to quickly retrieve resource inventory and monitoring data. Simple embedded locator maps (ESRI MapObjectsLt2) enable users to zoom to appropriate locations and select a site. Dynamic graphs visualize complex tabular data. Video and sound files automatically play where appropriate. Hyperlinks provide access to methods and reports. These databases provide fast easy access to gigabytes of data, aerial and ground photos, sound files, and video, and enable managers to visualize the data from multiple perspectives.
April 08, 2004