North-Carolina, Sept. 24, 1755.
RAN away from the Subscriber, in Bertie County near Meherrin River, on the 20th Instant, Three Negroe Men Slaves, viz. Jemmy, an Eboe Negroe, about 5 Feet 10 Inches high of a yellow Complexion, very sly and crafty, speaks seldom, tho' tolerable good English; about 35 Years of Age; had on when he went away, a close double-breasted grey Bear-skin Coat, with a black Velvet Cape, and Twist Buttons, pretty much worn; he had both a white and an Oznabrigs Shirt, a Pair of white Linen Breeches, Crocus Trousers, and carried with him a Gun. John, says he was born in France, about the same Stature and Age, much pitted with the Small-Pox, speaks quick and broken, has small hollow Eyes; he took with him two white Shirts, one coarse the other fine, an Oznabrig ditto, a Pair of blue and yellow Cloth Breeches, a blue Duffil great Coat, a red Duffil and striped Ticken Jacket, with several Pair of Stocking. Boston, an Angola Negroe, about five Feet eight Inches high, has a Stammering in his Speech, is scarrified by Whipping, and much the Age of the others; took with him a black Duffil and striped Ticken Jacket, a Pair of Crocus Trousers, an Oznabrig Shirt, and a large blue great Coat. Whoever secures and conveys them to me, shall have Three Pounds Reward for each, besides what the Law allows.
Henry Hill.