African American Heritage & Ethnography African Nation Founders: Africans in French America—Self Assessment

Learning from the Past: Assess Your Knowledge

This review will help determine your knowledge of the information contained in this section. Answer the questions below to the best of your ability. After you have completed all of the questions please click the Check the Quiz button at the bottom of the page. You can hit the Reset button at the bottom of the page to retake the quiz.

  1. Many Africans brought to French Louisiana were largely from the Windward Coast, an area that includes present day Sierra Leone and Liberia.

    1. True

      Correct. Most Africans brought to Louisiana were from the Senegambia, present day Senegal and Gambia.

    2. False


  2. The Code Noir and its sixty articles ensured that:

    1. were spared the brunt of hard work in the fields, especially during the summer months.


    2. worked only when there were not enough men to perform a given task.


    3. were hired out as surplus labor, worked as hard as the men, and served as personal servants, companions, nursemaids, etc for owners family.


    4. lived separately in slaves “quarters” apart from the men.


    5. none of the above.

      Correct. All of the above statements suggest that the Code Noir was a mechanism that attempted to severely hinder the movement and social progression of people of African descent.

  3. Select the Best answer to complete the sentence:

    African traditions and “superstitions” in colonial Louisiana were:

    1. was a visual representation of the type of work an enslaved person did as well as an indicator of their owners status.


    2. often came from the West Indies or England and was therefore very expensive.

      Correct. African traditions in the way of religion and healing can be seen in the use of gris-gris and the application of African systems to institutions like godparenting and baptism.

    3. could be exchanged regularly to ensure the comfort of the person wearing them, which led to more productive work habits.


    4. was not a necessity, especially shoes.


  4. Which of the statements below is FALSE:

    1. Gens de couleur libre held occupations including carpenters, shoemakers, seamstresses, retailers, wigmakers and executions.


    2. Freedom was gained in the Louisiana territory through cartas de liberdad, coartacion, buenos servicios, amor y carino, military service and purchasing freedom.


    3. People of African descent resisted enslavement through apprenticeships, naming patterns, and creative applications of the law.


    4. From 1733–1775 people of African descent largely were untouched by Catholicism as church records indicate with a decreasing number of godparents and converts to Catholicism.

      Correct. In fact, just the opposite occurred. There was a steady increase in the number of people of African descent baptized and recognized as godparents, as is evident by Henriette Delille’s family.