Overall page navigation start option: INTRODUCTION: What is the Historic Character? STEP ONE: Identify the building's overall visual aspects STEP TWO: Identify the close range visual aspects STEP THREE: Identify the interior visual aspects QUIZ 2: Identify the Overall Visual Aspects
A distance learning site by Technical Preservation Services, National Park Service
QUIZ TWO. Identify the Overall Visual Aspects
Graphic Q is non-navigational This is an image of a brick and stone urban rowhouse and yard located on the corner of two converging streets. The residence features a corner tower and arched doorway. The image rolls over to provide the correct answer. Screen Reader users see text-only link, left, for answer. Photo: NPS files.
Walk Through Historic Buildings

Identify the Overall Visual Aspects

Based on information in the "Walk Through," what do you see as a key contributor to the overall visual character in this neighborhood scene?

Look, then Identify one of the following:

  Choice A is Shape Shape
Choice B is Building Site Building Site
  Choice C is Openings Openings


Please continue to QUIZ 3

Identifying Visual Character HOME
Identifying Visual Character