From the Roof Down...and Skin Deep
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What & When to Repair
The Wall System       Windows

Historic window in disrepair. Photo: ŠJohn Leeke.


Not Recommended
Losing Connections. This window is 80 years old. The fact that it still performs many of its functions after 40 years of neglect reflects the high quality of its original construction. The window could be stabilized by screwing four steel brackets to the upper sash and by replacing two panes of broken glass, adding several years to its life. Complete refurbishing, including wood repairs; replacing all the glass; and overall re-painting would give this window a new lease on life that would last indefinitely with the help of routine maintenance.

Historic window maintained. Photo: ŠJohn Leeke.


Re-Connecting. This window is 250 years old. Routine maintenance of the paint coupled with glazing putty repairs have kept the sash in good condition.

Plan your work: Assess conditions every five years, looking for proper and complete operation, broken glass, crack or missing glazing, paint film cracked or peeling to bare wood, loose or open joints, or cracks in the sill. Make spot repairs as needed with a priority on sash and sills.

Maintenance Tip: If you have many windows that need work, but have limited time, repair the worst two or three windows each year. Do not paint the sash shut. Make certain they operate freely after painting to avoid stuck sash and broken glass.

What & When to Repair next, go to...
The Wall System: Paint

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