From the Roof Down...and Skin Deep
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What & When to Repair
The Roof/Gutter System    Gutters/Downspouts

downspout before repair
Downspout before repair. Photo: ŠJohn Leeke.

Not Recommended
Losing Connections. The top elbow of the downspout on this house has slipped off of the gutter outlet tube. This allows all the roof water to pour down the side of the house, which substantially shortens the life of the paint, siding and woodwork.



downspout after repair
Downspout after repair. Photo: ŠJohn Leeke.


Re-Connecting. The fix is simple. You just have to get out there and do it, as shown here in this appropriately connected gutter and downspout. Or hire a qualified contractor!

Plan your work: Check gutter and downspout connections monthly. Inspect gutters frequently for clogging debris, such as leaves, twigs, and dirt. At a minimum, clean at least twice a year--late Spring and late Fall--but as often as you need to to keep the gutters clear.

Maintenance tip: If you can use a ladder safely, you may be able to clean and fix the gutters on a one or two-story house. With a house of three stories or more, you should most likely hire a professional.


What & When to Repair next, go to...
The Wall Sytem: Clapboards

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