From the Roof Down...and Skin Deep
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What & When to Repair
The Roof/Gutter System    Wall/Chimney Flashing

flashing before repair
Flashing before repair. Photo: ŠJohn Leeke.

Not Recommended
Losing Connections. Here, the step-flashing (beneath) is interwoven well with the shingles, but the counter flashing (above) has failed. A modern "riglet", or groove, has been sawn into the face of the bricks. Then the strip of counter-flashing was nailed into the mortar joints and the top edge sealed with "white goop." These inappropriate methods lasted only a few years.




flashing after repair
Flashing after repair. Photo: ŠJohn Leeke.

Re-Connecting. This step-flashing keeps water from penetrating the joint between the roof and the chimney. Each piece of flashing is tightly sealed at the top with mortar in the brick masonry, lays flat against the chimney and the next flashing, and is inter-woven with the shingles on the roof. Every part overlaps the next in a downward slope to shed water draining down the face of the chimney and the roof.

Plan your work: Check yearly for gaps, cracks or missing flashing.

Use these traditional methods and materials because we know, from long-term experience, that they are the most effective.

Maintenance tip: Do not depend upon caulks, sealants or "goop" to do what metal flashing can do better.


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