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Event ID: 7775 Book: Oquitoa 2 Page Number: 11
Event: Baptism Event Date: 06/11/1769 Event Place: Oquitoa
Notes: María Loreta Sabina
En este Pueblo del Señor San Antonio de Oquitoa en once días del mes de junio de mil, setecientos, sesenta, y nueva años, yo, Fray Juan Diaz, Ministro de la Misión de Caborca, por enfermidad y de licencia del Reverendo Padre Fray Joseph Soler, Ministro de esta Misión, bautizé solemnemente segun el orden de Nuestra Madre Iglesia, a María Loreta Sabina, parvula de 4 días, hija legítima de Don Christobal Celaya, y Doña María Guadaluipe Velasco, vecinos del Presidio del Altar. Fueron sus Padrinos Don Miguel Antonio Velasco, y Doña Josepha Quixada, a quienes advertí su parentesco, y obligación, y para que conste lof firmé en dicho día, mes, y año ut supra con dicho Reverendo Padre Ministro de esta Misión.
Fray Juan Diaz (rúbrica)
Fray Joseph Soler (rúbrica)

María Loreta Sabina
In this village of Señor San Antonio of Oquito on the 11th day of the month of June of the year 1769, I, Fray Juan Diaz, Minister of the Mission of Caborca, because of the sickness of and license from Reverend Father Fray Joseph Soler, Minister of this Mission, I solemnly baptized accordoing to the order of Our Mother Church, María Loreta Sabina, and infant of 4 days, the legitimate dauther of Don Christobal Celaya and Doña María Guadalupe Velasco, residents of the Presidio of Altar. Her Godparents were Don Miguel Antonio Velasco, and Doña Josepha Quixada, whom I advised of their spiritual parentage and obligation, and in certification of which I signed on the said day, month, and year as above with the said Reverend Father Minister of this Mission.
Fray Juan Diaz (rubric)
Fray Joseph Soler (rubric)
Event Relationship [7 Records]

Personal ID: 6238 Given Name: Miguel Antonio Surname: Velasco Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 6914 Given Name: Juan Marcelo Surname: Diaz Relationship: Officiating Priest
Personal ID: 9318 Given Name: Cristóbal Surname: Zelaya Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 9319 Given Name: María Guadalupe Surname: Velasco Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 11070 Given Name: José Surname: Soler Relationship: Presiding Priest
Personal ID: 20895 Given Name: Josefa Surname: Quijada Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 20896 Given Name: María Loreta Sabina Surname: Zelaya Relationship: Baptized
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