Personal Information |
Surname: Álvarez Tuñón y Quirós |
Given Name: Gregorio |
Sex: M |
Place of Birth: Valladolid, España |
Date of Birth: |
Order: |
Place of Death: San José de Jamaica |
Date of Death: 03/30/1728 |
Cause of Death: Epidemic that was raging in Sonora in the winter and spring of 1728 |
Race or Tribe: Español |
Residence: Corodégua; Nacosari; Basochuca;San José de Jaimaca |
Title: Hijo de Juan Álvarez Tuñon y Andrea María Ruiz; Viudo de María Magdalena de Miranda; Marido de María Margarita Ortiz Cortez; General; Capitán del Presidio de Fronteras. (PIGA) |
Place of Service: Corodéguachi |
Burial Place: San Juan Bautista-in the church |
Translation: |
Notes: Don Gregorio was the eldest of twelve children. The family lived on Calle de las Zurradores in Valladolid, Spain. Gregorio was the godfather at two of his sisters' baptisms, in 1688 and 1691. He was a witness at a brother's baptism in 1692 and another sister on September 30, 1694, so he had to have come to New Spain after that. |