Personal Information |
Surname: Elizacoechea |
Given Name: Martín de |
Sex: M |
Place of Birth: Azpilkueta, Navarra, Spain |
Date of Birth: |
Order: |
Place of Death: |
Date of Death: |
Cause of Death: |
Race or Tribe: Vizcaino |
Residence: Durango, México |
Title: Obispo de Durango |
Place of Service: Durango, México |
Burial Place: |
Translation: chk ethnicity |
Notes: Born in 1679 in Navarra, he was educated at the University of Alcalá where he was awarded the degree of Doctor y Catedrático de Artes. As a master educator he was appointed dean and chancellor of the Univeristy of Mexico. Prior to his appointment as Bishop of Durango he had also been Bishop of Cuba and of Michoacán. |