Upcoming Night Sky Events

Free astronomy events take place throughout the year. No sign-up needed. Dates, times, and details below. Map showing South Rim event locations >

a small group of people taking turns looking through a large telescope beneath a sky full of stars.

June 1 - 8 - Grand Canyon Star Party

34th Annual Grand Canyon Star Party

Description: For eight nights in a row, explore with dozens of astronomers, peer through over 50 different telescopes, attend constellation talks, and more, at the 34th annual Grand Canyon Star Party! View details here.

Time: Every night June 1 through 8. Meet at the Grand Canyon Visitor Center. Theater talk starts at 8 pm. Limited capacity--arrive early to get a seat inside theater. Telescopes available behind visitor center from 8 pm - 11:30 pm. Constellation talks start at 9 pm, 9:30 pm, and 10 pm (meet behind visitor center in the telescope lot).

Location: South Rim - Grand Canyon Visitor Center

A South Rim Village and vicinity map that shows the locations of the night sky programs, Shrine of the Ages Auditorium and the South Rim Visitor Center. Green arrows pinpoint the locations.
Map shows the locations of the night sky evening programs in relation to Grand Canyon Village on the South Rim of the park.

Related Information

Last updated: May 30, 2024

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PO Box 129
Grand Canyon, AZ 86023



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