Off Road Vehicle Operation

Off Road Vehicle Management Proposed Regulation Update

Motorized off-road vehicle (ORV) use is designated in limited National Park Service areas on Fire Island. Where permitted, ORVs may be allowed only in locations where there will be no adverse impacts on the area's natural, cultural, scenic, and esthetic values, and in consideration of other existing or proposed recreational uses.

The National Park Service recognizes that motorized equipment operated in a national park "could adversely affect the park's natural soundscape and the flow of natural chemical information and odors that are important to many living organisms." (2006 National Park Service Management Policies, 8.2.3)

Because there are 17 residential communities within the boundaries of the Fire Island National Seashore, limited driving is permitted by contractors, utilities, and a small number of residents to support the maintenance of these communities. Such permits are tightly restricted and regulated.

Recreational Beach Driving

Recreational ORV driving is permitted by the Seashore seasonally from the Wilderness Visitor Center on the eastern end of Fire Island. A current valid Fire Island National Seashore Recreational Driving Permit.

Driving Restrictions

As ferry service increases throughout the spring, the National Park Service gradually restricts driving for various permit categories. Please refer to the links below to determine when driving is allowed and how to obtain an exception if you are a permit holder.

Seasonal beach driving closures may occur if areas are in close proximity to piping plover nests and unfledged chicks (USFWS 1994: ). Drivers can call 631-569-2591 and listen to the message for any and all updates related to beach driving closures.


Permit Application and Fees

To apply for a Year-round Resident Permit you must first meet the requirments of a year-round resident as defined in the 36 Code of Federal Regulations:

“Year-round resident means those persons who are legally domiciled on the island and who, in addition, physically reside in their fixed and permanent homes on the island continuously, except for brief and occasional absences, for 12 months of the year.”

Year-round residents must mail in a completed application along with copies of:

  • Driver’s license (for each driver in the household)
  • Vehicle registration
  • Insurance ID card. All supporting documentation must reflect a Fire Island address.
  • There is also a $50 application fee that must be paid on (see below), the first year you apply.
  • It is the applicant’s responsibility to mail in an application every year with the supporting documentation to our Patchogue Headquarters address to maintain their position on the wait list.
  • Envelopes must be postmarked by January 31st every year or your name will be removed from the wait list.
  • If any applicant on the wait list is issued a citation for driving on Fire Island without a permit, they will be removed from the wait list.

If you would like to know if your documents have been received, you must send them Certified Mail.

To apply for a Contractor Permit you must mail in a completed application along with copies of:

  • Driver’s license
  • Vehicle registration
  • Proof of year-round work on Fire Island. Proof of year-round work can be signed contracts or invoices for locations on Fire Island that contain a description of work to be done.
  • There is also a $50 application fee that must be paid on, the first year you apply.
  • It is the applicant’s responsibility to mail in an application every year with the supporting documentation to maintain their position on the wait list.
  • Envelopes must be postmarked by December 31st every year or your name will be removed from the wait list.
  • If any applicant on the wait list is issued a citation for driving on Fire Island without a permit, they will be removed from the wait list.

To pay online at

  1. Enter Fire Island or FIIS in the search bar
  2. Go to Residential/Contractor Driving Fees.
  3. Continue to the form.
  4. Fill out the top then choose:
  • Residential Driving Application Fee
  • Contractor Driving
  • Application Fee
  • Resident Vehicle Driving Fee
  • Contractor Vehicle Driving Fee
  • Other ($50)
  • Description - Fee for Resident (or) Contractor wait list

5. Continue
6. Input credit card information
7. Write the Tracking ID number at the top of your application.

If you would like to know if your documents have been received, you must send them Certified Mail.

As directed by Congress, the National Park Service collects a fee to recover the cost of administering permits. The following charges are established for vehicle permits and applications for Fire Island National Seashore:

  • An Application Charge must accompany the application for a permit. This charge covers the costs involved in analyzing and processing the request for an application including secretarial, printing, and mailing costs. This is a non-refundable fee that must be remitted with the completed application. This fee is $50.00 This is a non-refundable fee that will not be returned even if your permit is not approved.
  • An Administrative Charge reflects the actual costs incurred by the National Park Service in processing the permit, from its inception to final approval. It also includes all our costs associated with Natural and/or Cultural compliance.
  • Management Costs cover the actual costs incurred by the park accomplishing the required monitoring or management of the permit.

* Please Note: For the first-time approval of a resident permit, you will also be charged a one-time fee for gate key, stickers, computer set-up, etc.

  • A limited number of permits are issued in each category, and driving times are restricted by category.
  • Definitions and the number of permits authorized in each category are specified in the park's current driving regulation (36 CFR Ch. 1, Section 7.20).

Permit Conditions

No alternate/substitute vehicles may be used in place of your primary vehicle without first having approval from the permits office.

Failure to comply with the conditions of any permit issued may result in a fine and the loss of your permit.

Contact Us

Please contact us via e-mail or call 631-569-2100 for more information.

Last updated: May 9, 2024

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Mailing Address:

120 Laurel Street
Patchogue, NY 11772



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