Celebrate Freedom!

It’s the biggest holiday in the Nation’s Capital! The National Mall provides prime viewing for the annual fireworks display, which promises to be one of the most spectacular in recent memory.

Sign Up for Emergency Text Notifications
The US Park Police will again be using a text notification service to quickly deliver important and emergency information to visitors. Cell phone users can receive notifications via text message by texting JULY4DC to 888777.

Fireworks above the National Mall
Schedule of Events

Celebrate the nation's birthday in the capital!

4th of July 2019 Map

Find your way around town and to the Independence Day events on the National Mall on July 4.

A Park Ranger staying hydrated during the event by drinking water

Enjoy the festivities while staying safe. Check an overview of safety procedures and guidelines for the Fourth of July events.

A listing with images of prohibited Items
Prohibited Items

Know before you go!

Family holding a cutout of the NPS arrowhead
Social Media & Alerts

Share your DC Fourth of July experience on social media! Stay informed with alerts and fun-facts about the DC monuments.

Metro train on a bridge over a river
Plan Your Visit

Find information to plan your trip around town on July 4, including directions, closures, security, and safety tips.

Drum and Fife re-enactors playing at the World War II Memorial
History of Independence Day

Learn the history of why the nation celebrates our Independence Day on July 4 each year.


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