Bear Videos

Brown bear on cliffs above glacier
Brown bear, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
Videos from our Parks

Visit the park websites below for videos on identifying black and grizzly bears, backcountry camping, bear safety, and more!

NPS Tania Lewis identifies bear tracks
NPS wildlife biologist Tania Lewis identifies bear tracks in Glacier Bay National Park
Frontier Scientists Video Series

Visit University of Alaska's Frontier Scientists websites to see videos of Glacier Bay Bears and Grizzly Bears of Denali National Park. NPS wildlife biologists Tania Lewis and Pat Owen take us into the wild to identify bear tracks, share their bear stories, and more!

Mother grizzly bear with two cubs on a grassy hill in Yellowstone National Park
Video screenshot of mother grizzly bear with two cubs
Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Recovery

Grizzly bears in the Yellowstone Ecosystem are thriving. The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC), a collaboration of multiple state and federal agencies including NPS, has contributed to the success of the species' recovery. Learn more in this video: Yellowstone Grizzly Bears: A Success Story.

Last updated: October 24, 2017


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