Urban Ecology Research Learning Alliance (UERLA)

UERLA is a Research Learning Center that serves 16 parks in National Capital Region.  We translate complex research results into readily understandable information, providing research, education, and technical assistance for parks. UERLA also provides science communication outreach to park managers and external audiences via websites, workshops, and publications.

We maintain research and education partnerships with universities, not-for-profit, education, and other federal agencies. The education activities of UERLA include providing training opportunities for NPS staff and partners, participating in science education programs, and building external partnerships that support science education in parks. Find some of our ongoing projects on this website.

Contacts: Ann M. Gallagher, Science Education Coordinator, ann_gallagher@nps.gov, and Diane Pavek, Research Coordinator, dpavek@nps.gov.

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Last updated: August 15, 2024