Press Kit

Helpful Resources


Press Kit Introduction

Welcome to the Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial Press Kit. Here, you will find a comprehensive collection of resources designed to assist members of the press in covering stories related to the memorial and its significant events. This kit includes general B-roll footage, high-resolution images, and other essential materials. Whether you are reporting on the annual commemoration ceremonies or exploring the rich history of the site, these resources aim to provide you with the information and tools needed for accurate and engaging storytelling.

Public Information Officer Contact

  • Email:
  • Phone: (925) 228-8860
  • Mailing Address: Public Information Officer, Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial, c/o John Muir National Historic Site, 4202 Alhambra Ave, Martinez, CA 94553

Brief Overview of Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial

The Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial, located in Concord, California, is a solemn site dedicated to preserving the memory of the catastrophic explosion that occurred on July 17, 1944. This tragic event, the deadliest home front disaster of World War II, claimed the lives of 320 sailors and civilians, the majority of whom were African American. The explosion and its aftermath highlighted severe racial inequalities and unsafe working conditions in the U.S. Navy, sparking significant changes in military policy and advancing the cause of civil rights.

The memorial sits on the shoreline of Suisun Bay, where the explosion took place, and features granite monuments engraved with the names of the men who lost their lives. It serves as a place of reflection and education, providing visitors with a deeper understanding of the historical events and their broader implications for social justice and racial equality in the United States.

In addition to its role in honoring the victims, the Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial plays a crucial part in educating the public about the long-standing issues of segregation and discrimination within the military. The memorial's exhibits, educational programs, and guided tours offer insights into the lives of those affected by the disaster and the subsequent efforts to rectify the injustices they faced.

By preserving the site and sharing its powerful stories, the Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial continues to highlight the importance of equality, justice, and the ongoing struggle for civil rights in America.


Mission Statement

Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial preserves the site of the deadliest home front disaster of World War II, honoring those who lost their lives or were affected by the munitions explosion on July 17, 1944. The disaster and its aftermath illuminated the issues of segregation and racial inequality in the military, and today the memorial serves as a springboard for exploring social justice in our society.

A middle-age woman with shoulder legth hair is wearing a ranger uniform and posing for camera.
Superintendent K.Lynn Berry.

NPS Photo

General Superintendent K. Lynn Berry

Email the Park Superintendent

K. Lynn Berry currently serves as the superintendent of four national parks in the Oakland area: Eugene O’Neill and John Muir National Historic Sites, Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial, and Rosie the Riveter-World War II Home Front National Historical Park. She began this role in early April 2022 after previously serving as the superintendent of Congaree National Park in South Carolina.

Berry brings extensive experience in community and environmental planning, cultural resource management, and public involvement processes to her current role. Her career with the National Park Service (NPS) began in 2010, and she has held several key positions, including national heritage area program manager and centennial coordinator for the South Atlantic Gulf Region, acting superintendent of DeSoto National Memorial, regional chief of community assistance and partnerships for the National Capital Area, and acting superintendent of Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve.

In her previous role at Congaree National Park, Berry strengthened alliances with non-profit partners and other agencies, developed high-profile partnerships with tourism organizations, and expanded the park’s reach to the public. Her educational background includes a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in cultural anthropology, and a master’s degree in city and regional planning.

Berry and her partner, Lynn-Margaret, enjoy outdoor activities such as paddling, biking, and hiking. Berry also has interests in blacksmithing, theater, fine dining, and museums.

About the Parks:

Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site commemorates the playwright's contributions to American literature and drama. It serves as a park for performing arts and educational programs. Learn more at NPS - Eugene O'Neill.

John Muir National Historic Site preserves the home of the renowned environmentalist, educating the public about his contributions to the National Parks and the early conservation movement. Learn more at NPS - John Muir.

Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial honors the sailors, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, Merchant Marine, and civilians who were killed and injured in the largest homeland disaster during World War II. Learn more at NPS - Port Chicago.

Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park in Richmond, California, preserves and interprets the stories and legacies of the nation’s home front response to World War II. Learn more at NPS - Rosie the Riveter.


Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial Fact Sheet


  • Concord, California, on the shoreline of Suisun Bay

Historical Significance:

  • Site of the deadliest home front disaster of World War II
  • Explosion date: July 17, 1944
  • Number of fatalities: 320 sailors and civilians, predominantly African American
  • Resulted in the largest stateside explosion during World War II, registering 3.4 on the Richter scale

Key Facts:

  • The explosion was felt over 450 miles away
  • Approximately 400 individuals were injured
  • Highlighted severe racial inequalities and unsafe working conditions in the U.S. Navy
  • Led to the largest mutiny trial in U.S. naval history involving 50 African American sailors

Memorial Features:

  • Granite monuments engraved with the names of the 320 men who lost their lives
  • Located at the site of the explosion, serving as the final resting place for unrecovered casualties
  • The site includes remnants of the explosion, such as pier pilings and historic military structures

Mission Statement:

Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial preserves the site of the deadliest home front disaster of World War II, honoring those who lost their lives or were affected by the munitions explosion on July 17, 1944. The disaster and its aftermath illuminated the issues of segregation and racial inequality in the military, and today the memorial serves as a springboard for exploring social justice in our society.

Educational and Interpretive Programs:

  • Guided tours providing historical context and significance of the explosion
  • Educational programs focusing on the racial injustices highlighted by the disaster and subsequent events
  • Exhibits featuring historic photographs, documents, and personal stories from those affected

Notable Achievements:

  • Established as a national memorial in 1992
  • Designated as a unit of the National Park Service in 2009

Visiting Information:

  • Located on an active military base; requires advance reservations for tours
  • Tours start at the John Muir National Historic Site with a park film about the disaster
  • Guided tours provide access to the memorial during times when military operations are not occurring

Public Information Officer Contact

  • Email:
  • Phone: (925) 228-8860
  • Mailing Address: Public Information Officer, Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial, c/o John Muir National Historic Site, 4202 Alhambra Ave, Martinez, CA 94553



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial?

  • The Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial is a site dedicated to commemorating the catastrophic explosion that occurred on July 17, 1944, at the Port Chicago Naval Magazine in California. It honors the 320 sailors and civilians who lost their lives and highlights the issues of segregation and racial inequality in the military.

2. Where is the memorial located?

  • The memorial is located in Concord, California, on the shoreline of Suisun Bay, within the Military Ocean Terminal Concord. it is also on an active military base with restricted entry that requires a tour from the National Park Service.

3. What was the significance of the Port Chicago explosion?

  • The explosion was the deadliest home front disaster of World War II, killing 320 people, mostly African American sailors. It exposed severe racial inequalities and unsafe working conditions in the U.S. Navy and led to significant changes in military policy, including desegregation efforts.

4. How can I visit the memorial?

  • The memorial is located on an active military base, and visits require advance reservations. Tours start at the John Muir National Historic Site in Martinez, California, and include transportation to the memorial.

5. How do I make a reservation for a tour?

  • Reservations can be made by contacting the memorial via email at or by calling (925) 228-8860. Due to the site's location on an active military base, reservations are necessary and should be made well in advance.

6. What can I expect during a tour?

  • Tours include a park film about the Port Chicago disaster, guided transportation to the memorial, and an interpretive dialogue provided by a ranger. Visitors will see the memorial site, including granite monuments with the names of the victims and remnants of the explosion.

7. Is there an admission fee to visit the memorial?

  • There is no admission fee for the memorial, but advance reservations are required for tours due to its location on an active military base.

8. What are the hours of operation for the memorial?

  • The memorial is open for tours during specific times when military operations are not occurring. It is advisable to check the National Park Service website or contact the memorial directly for the most up-to-date information on tour availability.

9. Can I bring pets to the memorial?

  • Pets are not allowed at the memorial, except for service animals as defined by the ADA.

10. Are there any special events or ceremonies held at the memorial?

  • Yes, the memorial hosts annual commemorative ceremonies on the anniversary of the explosion, as well as other special events and educational programs throughout the year.

11. How can I support the memorial?

  • You can support the memorial by making a donation to the Friends of Port Chicago National Memorial, volunteering, or spreading awareness about the significance of the site. More information is available on the National Park Service website and the Friends of Port Chicago National Memorial website.

12. Where can I find more information about the history of Port Chicago and the memorial?

  • Detailed information about the history of the Port Chicago disaster, the memorial, and its significance can be found on the National Park Service website, as well as in the exhibits and educational programs offered at the memorial.

13. Who should I contact for more information or media inquiries?

14. What caused the Port Chicago explosion?

  • The exact cause of the explosion is unknown, but it is believed to have been triggered by the unsafe handling of munitions. The sailors loading the ships were not given proper training or safety equipment.

15. How far was the explosion felt?

  • The explosion registered 3.4 on the Richter scale and was felt more than 450 miles away.

16. What were the consequences for the sailors involved in the explosion?

  • Following the explosion, 258 surviving sailors refused to return to work under unsafe conditions. As a result, 50 of these sailors were charged with mutiny in the largest naval trial in U.S. history.

17. How did the Port Chicago disaster impact racial policies in the U.S. military?

  • The disaster and the subsequent mutiny trial exposed severe racial inequalities in the military, leading to increased scrutiny and eventually to the desegregation of the U.S. Navy in 1946. This was a significant step towards the desegregation of the entire U.S. military.

18. What is the significance of the granite monuments at the memorial?

  • The granite monuments at the memorial are engraved with the names of the 320 men who lost their lives in the explosion, serving as a lasting tribute to their memory.

19. How has the site of the explosion been preserved?

  • The memorial includes remnants of the explosion, such as pier pilings and historic military structures, which help visitors understand the magnitude of the disaster and its historical context.

Tours of the Site

Ranger-Guided Tours: Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial offers ranger-guided tours that provide an in-depth look at the site of the 1944 disaster, which resulted in the largest domestic loss of life during World War II. These tours delve into the historical significance of the explosion, its aftermath, and its impact on civil rights and military desegregation.

Tour Schedule:

  • Days: Tours are available on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
  • Times: Tours are conducted at 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM.
  • Duration: Each tour lasts approximately 1.5 hours.

Reservation Requirements:

  • Advance Booking: Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance due to the site's location on an active military base.
  • Identification: All visitors must provide government-issued photo ID for military base access.
  • Group Information: When making a reservation, provide the full name, date of birth, and ID details for each visitor.

Tour Details:

  • Meeting Point: Tours start at the John Muir National Historic Site in Martinez, CA, where visitors watch a park film about the Port Chicago Disaster before being shuttled to the memorial.
  • Access: Due to the site's location on a controlled military base, public access is restricted, and all visitors must be accompanied by a National Park Service ranger.
  • Accessibility: The tour includes transportation in NPS vehicles equipped with wheelchair lifts, and the memorial grounds are level and wheelchair accessible.

Important Note: Tours are not always available due to the base being closed for operations. These closures can be unpredictable, and visitors are encouraged to check the latest availability and updates on the memorial's website or contact the park directly.


Port Chicago Partnerships

The Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial thrives through the strength of its partnerships, which play a crucial role in preserving the site’s historical significance and enhancing its educational outreach. These collaborations help the memorial achieve its mission of honoring those who lost their lives in the 1944 explosion and exploring the broader themes of social justice and racial equality in the military.

Key Partnership: Friends of Port Chicago National Memorial

About the Friends of Port Chicago National Memorial:

  • Mission: The Friends of Port Chicago National Memorial is a registered non-profit organization and the official fundraising partner of the National Park Service for the memorial. Established to support and enhance the memorial, the organization promotes the history of Port Chicago, supports the growth of the park, and enriches the visitor experience through various programs and educational initiatives.
  • Activities: The Friends group actively engages in advocacy, fundraising, and volunteer efforts to ensure the memorial's preservation and the continuation of its educational mission. They organize events, educational programs, and community outreach activities to raise awareness about the historical significance of Port Chicago.

Partnership Goals:

  • Preservation: Collaborating with the National Park Service to maintain and protect the memorial's physical site, including the granite monuments, historic features, and museum collections.
  • Education: Developing and supporting educational programs that inform visitors about the Port Chicago disaster, its impact on civil rights, and its role in the desegregation of the U.S. military.
  • Advocacy: Advocating for the recognition and remembrance of the victims and the historical significance of the Port Chicago explosion. This includes efforts to exonerate the sailors convicted in the aftermath of the disaster.
  • Community Engagement: Fostering a sense of community involvement and shared history by organizing commemorative events, volunteer opportunities, and public outreach initiatives.

How to Get Involved:

  • Donations: Contributions to the Friends of Port Chicago National Memorial help fund preservation efforts, educational programs, and advocacy work. Donations can be made through their website.
  • Volunteering: Volunteers are essential to the success of the memorial's programs and events. Opportunities are available for those interested in contributing their time and skills to support the memorial's mission.
  • Membership: Becoming a member of the Friends group provides ongoing support to the memorial and offers benefits such as newsletters, event invitations, and the satisfaction of helping to preserve an important piece of history.

Collaborative Efforts:

  • Educational Institutions: Partnerships with schools, colleges, and universities to develop curriculum materials, host field trips, and facilitate research projects related to the Port Chicago disaster.
  • Community Organizations: Working with local community groups, veterans' organizations, and civil rights advocates to promote the memorial and its programs.
  • Government Agencies: Coordinating with federal, state, and local government agencies to ensure the memorial's preservation and accessibility.

Contact Information:


Foundation Documents

Foundation Document Overview
Foundation Document (Full Version)

The Foundation Documents for the Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial are essential resources that outline the core purpose, significance, and guiding principles for the management and preservation of this historic site. These documents are designed to provide a clear and comprehensive framework for decision-making, ensuring that the memorial's unique historical, cultural, and educational values are maintained and enhanced over time.

Purpose of the Foundation Documents:

  • Guidance: The Foundation Documents serve as a blueprint for the National Park Service (NPS) and its partners, offering detailed guidance on how to protect and interpret the memorial’s key resources and values.
  • Clarity: They clearly define the memorial’s primary objectives, helping to align all efforts with its mission to honor the victims of the 1944 explosion and to educate the public about the event’s historical significance.
  • Consistency: By establishing a consistent framework, these documents ensure that all actions taken at the memorial are in line with its overarching goals and principles.

Contents of the Foundation Documents:

  • Significance Statements: These articulate why the Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial is important on a national and global scale, emphasizing its historical and cultural relevance.
  • Fundamental Resources and Values: A detailed inventory of the critical elements that must be preserved to maintain the memorial’s integrity and significance.
  • Interpretive Themes: Key concepts and stories that the memorial seeks to convey to its visitors, enriching their understanding of the site’s historical context and ongoing relevance.
  • Management Strategies: Practical guidelines and strategies for achieving the memorial’s mission, including resource preservation, visitor engagement, and educational outreach.

The Foundation Documents are vital for ensuring that the Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial remains a poignant and educational site. They help the NPS and its stakeholders to effectively steward the memorial, honoring its legacy and fostering an appreciation of the pivotal events that occurred here.


B-Roll Footage for Press Use

General B-roll footage from the memorial and Port Chicago commemorations are available for press use. Due to wind disturbance at the memorial site, the audio quality is not optimal; some clips are intentionally without audio. While not all footage has black frames between clips, the segments are generally long enough to be edited effectively. Feel free to perform basic corrections on the footage as needed.

Downloading the Footage

To download the footage, click the download arrow located at the top right of the video player. You can adjust the playback quality at the bottom of the player, but the download will automatically be the highest quality version available.

Visit our keyboard shortcuts docs for details
7 minutes, 36 seconds

A number of clips of B-Roll footage without people. Close-ups and wide shots of various parts of the memorial site. No black frames between clips but each clip is around 15-20 seconds each.

Visit our keyboard shortcuts docs for details
2 minutes, 45 seconds

Here are a handful of clips of people and a few crowd/speaker shots from the 80th Anniversary Commemoration at the Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial. There are no black frames between clips but each clips is about 15-20 seconds. See our "Generic" footage as well.

Visit our keyboard shortcuts docs for details
7 minutes, 13 seconds

B-Roll footage from the 2022 Port Chicago Commemoration. There are 10 clips in varying length, which have black frames between them. The audio quality isn't great due to wind disturbance at the memorial site. One clip has no audio, intentionally. Please feel free to do basic correction on footage, as needed.

Last updated: August 2, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

4202 Alhambra Ave
Martinez, CA 94553


925 228-8860 x6520
General inquiry and reservations.

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