
Painted Lady Butterfly
Painted Lady Butterfly on Lichen-covered Quartzite

NPS/A. Deming

Pipestone National Monument has a diverse array of animal species, including thirteen-lined ground squirrels, great blue herons, snapping turtles, and beavers. During the spring and fall months, bird watching is a popular activity.

There are over 25 mammalian species, over 100 bird species, approximately 26 fish species, 9 reptiles and amphibians, and numerous insect families. Click on the links below for more information:
  • Baby snapping turtle

    A few of the more common reptiles you may see while visiting the Monument

  • Fawn laying in the grass

    Deer, pocket gophers, thirteen-lined ground squirrels, bats, shrews, and other mammals thrive in the prairie

  • Great egret in flight

    The diversity of wildlife in the Monument's tallgrass prairie provides a perfect spot for birders

  • American Toad

    Pipestone's amphibians tend to be elusive, but you're sure to hear them in the spring and summer

  • A small fish in a palm

    Over 20 species of fish live in Pipestone Creek

  • Monarch caterpillar on a rock

    Learn more about the critters who help pollinate the tallgrass prairie and provide food for countless other animals in the Monument

  • A crayfish

    The tiny omnivores of Pipestone Creek

Last updated: November 16, 2019

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Mailing Address:

36 Reservation Ave
Pipestone, MN 56164


507 825-5464 x214

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