Nature Notes

Vol. XII September, 1934 No. 9

Noted Ascents of Mount Rainier

1854 -
1854 - Attempted ascent by B.F. Shaw, Sidney Ford and an unknown companion. However this is unrecorded and subject to dispute. See "Snow Sentinels of the Pacific Northwest" by Joseph Hazard, pages 144-145
1857 - July 15th. via the "Kautz Route". First attempted ascent made by Lieut. A.V. Kautz, U.S.A., Dr. O.R. Craig, an Army doctor, Private Carroll and Dogue and a Nisqually Indian guide by the name of Wapowety. Kautz was forced back at approximately 12,000 feet.
1870 - Aug. 17th. via the Gibraltar Route by Hazard Stevens and P.B. Van Trump. The first ascent of Mt. Rainier.
1870 - In October by S.F. Emmons and A.D. Wilson of the U.S.G.S. in connection with their work of laying the foundation for a map of the region. Ascent made from Cowlitz Park across Cowlitz Glacier to base of Gibraltar Rock and thence by Gibraltar Router.
1883 - By P.B. Van Trump, Geo. B. Bayley and James Longmire. Via the Gibraltar Route.
1885 - August. By Theo. Garrish and two unknown companions. Ascent attempted from Spray Park but were turned back. The party then crossed the Carbon and Winthrop Glaciers and after one unsuccessful attempt reached the summit via the Emmons Glacier. See "Life in the World's Wonderland" - Garrish, pages 185-208.
1886 - In fall of this year by A.L. Brown and party of Yakima Indians who were hunting in vicinity of th Cowlitz Divide. Ascent made via Ingraham Glacier.
1888 - August 11th by P.B. Van Trump, E.S. Ingraham, John Muir, D.W. Bass, A.C. Warner, N.O. Booth and C.V. Piper. Ascent via Gibraltar Route.
1890 - Aug. 10th by Miss Fay Fuller, Rev. E.L. Smith, Len Longmire and two others. The first ascent by a woman. Via the Gibraltar route. See letter in historical files, Park Museum, Longmire.
1891 - Van Trump and Riley. Via North Tahoma Glacier.
1892 - P.B. Van Trump and Geo. B. Bayley. Via No. Tahoma Glacier.
1896 - July 24th by I.C. Russell, Bailey Willis, Otis Smith and two others via the Winthrop Glacier. This party crossed over the mountain descending via the Gibraltar Route - the first party to do this.
1905 - July 27th by John Glascock and E. Dudley via Success Cleaver. Descent made via Gibraltar Route.
1906 - (Possibly in 1905 - exact date uncertain) By Lee Pickett and another man via the Spray Park-Ptarmigan Ridge Route.
1920 - June 26-28 by Roger Toll, Harry Meyers, Hans and Henry Fuehrer via the Van Trump and Kautz Glacier.
1920 - On July 2nd by Joe Hazard, P. M. Farrar, T. Hermans, Hans and Henry Fuehrer. Via the Nisqually Glacier.
1924 - Final check and re-construction of the Kautz Route to determine elevation achieved by Lieut. Kautz in 1857. By Joe Hazard and party of Mountaineers.
1933 - Sept. 4, by Wendel Trosper and Hans Grage. Via Spray Park-Ptarmigan Ridge route.
1934 - July 4th by A. E Roovers and Hans Fuehrer via the Tahoma Glacier from Klapatche Park.

Mount Rainier

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