Historic Structure Report: CCC Buildings
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1. John Ise, Our National Park Policy, 147-148, 164-165.

2. 39 Statute 1764, Presidential Proclamation 1322, February 11, 1916. Detailed accounts of Bandelier's administrative history appear in Rothman, Bandelier National Monument.

3. Ise, Our National Park Policy, 353.

4. Horace Albright to Jesse Nusbaum, September 23, 1930; Roger Toll to Nusbaum, September 1930; and other letters, Nusbaum's File, Southwest Regional Office library, NPS, Santa Fe.

5. Nusbaum to Toll, October 29, 1930, Nusbaum's File.

6. Arno Cammerer to Nusbaum, August 12, 1931, Nusbaum's File; and Jesse Nusbaum, M.R. Tillotson, and Roger W. Toll, The Bandelier National Monument and the Proposed Cliff Cities National Park. Report to Horace M. Albright, director, NPS, November 26, 1930, copy on file at Southwest Regional Office library, Santa Fe.

7. Albright to Nusbaum, December 7, 1931, Nusbaum's File.

8. Nusbaum to Albright, March 18, 1932, Nusbaum's File.

9. Ibid.

10. 47 Statute 2503, Presidential Proclamation 1991, February 25, 1932.

11. Edgar Rogers to Boss Pinkley, June 13, 1932, records of the NPS, record group (RG) 79, file 200, Denver Federal Records Center (DFRC).

12. Rogers to Pinkley, July 30, 1932, and other letters, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

13. Nusbaum to Albright, November 8, 1932; and Nusbaum to A. Gilberto Espinosa, assistant U.S. attorney, Department of Justice, November 16, 1932, Nusbaum's File.

14. Nusbaum to Toll, March 18, 1932; and Toll to Nusbaum, March 24, 1932, Nusbaum's File.

15. The Fred Harvey Company, the official concessioner for the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway, ran guided tours from major hotels along the southwestern route. Known at various times as the Harvey Detours, Harvey Indian Detours, and Harveycar Tours, the touring cars brought visitors to a variety of southwestern archeological sites and Indian reservation locations.

16. "Walk with Mrs. Frey to Old Lodge (Ten Elders) and Ruins," June 30, 1979, by Mrs. Frey, Chris Judson, and others. Oral history tape on file at Bandelier National Monument.

17. U.S. Department of Agriculture, In the Land of the Ancient Cliff Dwellers, USDA Miscellaneous Circular 5 (Washington, D.C., 1925), 3.

18. Toll to Nusbaum, October 27, 1930, Nusbaum's File.

19. Rogers to Pinkley, June 17, 1932, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

20. Rogers to Pinkley, August 25, 1932, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

21. Verne Chatelain to Frank Kittredge, September 6, 1932, RG 79, file Bandelier 1932-1933, DFRC.

22. Kittredge to Walter Attwell, November 12, 1932, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

23. Kittredge to Albright, November 12, 1932, Nusbaum's File.

24. A.E. Demaray to Kittredge, October 18, 1932, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

25. Pinkley to Albright, October 8, 1932, Nusbaum's File.

26. Nusbaum to Albright, November 7, 1932, Nusbaum's File.

27. Nusbaum to Albright, November 7, 1932, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

28. A.E. Demaray to Nusbaum, November 18, 1932, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

29. Harlan D. Unrau and G. Frank Williss, Administrative History: Expansion of the National Park Service in the 1930s. (Washington, D.C.: NPS, 1983), p. 77.

30. Earl Jackson to Boss Pinkley, July 16, 1934, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

31. Unrau and Williss, Administrative History, 80.

32. The drawings for Bandelier were most often signed by the designer, checked by a series of architects and engineers, recommended by the chief architect, cleared for engineering by the chief engineer, concurred with by the superintendent and the sanitary engineer, and approved by the director of NPS.

33. Unrau and Williss, Administrative History, 79.

34. NPS, Report of the Director of the National Park Service to the Secretary of the Interior, 1918. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office), 274.

35. William C. Tweed, Laura E. Soullière and Henry G. Law, National Park Service Rustic Architecture 1916-1942 (San Francisco: NPS, 1977), passim.

36. Walter Attwell to Boss Pinkley, April 18, 1933, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

37. Pinkley to the director, April 21, 1933, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

38. Edgar Rogers to Pinkley, June 29, 1933, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

39. Pinkley to the director, August 28, 1933, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

40. Frank Kittredge to Pinkley, September 7, 1933, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

41. A.E. Demaray to Pinkley, September 26, 1933, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

42. Pinkley to Major H.T. Aplington, 7th Cavalry, Santa Fe, September 6, 1933, RG 79, file 201, DFRC.

43. Pinkley to Frank Kittredge, October 26, 1933, RG 79, file Bandelier 1932-33, DFRC.

44. Standard Form 71104-72231, RG 79, file 201, DFRC.

45. Rogers to Pinkley, October 1, 1933, RG 79, file 201, DFRC.

46. Rogers to Pinkley, October 9, 1933, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

47. Smith to Pinkley, October 16, 1933, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

48. Draft telegram handwritten by Pinkley on back of telegram received by Pinkley dated October 18, 1933, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

49. Martin Evenstad to Pinkley, October 25, 1933, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

50. Evenstad to Pinkley, November 15, 1933, RG 79, file 201, DFRC.

51. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, November 1933," RG 79, file 207-02, DFRC.

52. Pinkley to the director, November 16, 1933, RG 79, file Bandelier 1932-33, DFRC.

53. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, December 1933," RG 79, file 207-02, DFRC.

54. Charles Richey and Lyle Bennett, "Report to the Chief Architect through the Superintendent of Southwestern Monuments. Final Construction Report. Conservation Work — CCC Camp NM-1M, November 16, 1933 to April 31, 1934 (Second Period) Bandelier National Monument," June 19, 1934, Office of the Chief, Western Division, Branch of Plans and Design, San Francisco, RG 79, file 000, DFRC. Although it seems very odd the actual file number on the file is "000."

55. Martin Evenstad and Walter Attwell to the director, November 16. 1933, RG 79, file 201, DFRC.

56. Richey and Bennett, "Report to the Chief Architect," 4.

57. Evenstad to Boss Pinkley, November 15, 1933, RG 79, file 201, DFRC.

58. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, May 1934," RG 79, file 207-02, DFRC.

59. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, July 1936," RG 79, file 207-02, DFRC.

60. Although Nusbaum expressed some concern about pothunting by the CCC men (in a letter to Walter Attwell of November 16, 1933, RG 79, file 200, DFRC), the first educational effort the park staff put forth was to teach the men about the resources (Robert Rose to Evenstad, November 14, 1933, RG 79, file 201, DFRC). Acting superintendent Evenstad wrote to Nusbaum on November 29, 1933 (same file), stating that he did not know of any specific CCC pothunting incidents at Bandelier. These are the only references to pothunting found in the literature.

61. H.B. Chase, Bandelier National Monument Emergency Conservation Work — Report Covering Activities of the Camp for the Six Months Period Beginning October 1, 1934 and Ending March 31, 1935, submitted April 17, 1935. No pagination. On file at Bandelier.

62. H.B. Chase, Reporting E.C.W. Activities for the Six Months Period from April 1 to September 30, 1935 at Bandelier National Monument, submitted October 1, 1935. No pagination. On file at Bandelier.

63. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, August 1936," RG 79, file 207-02, DFRC, and ECW Forestry Report, November 25, 1936 in RG 79, file Bandelier NM-1 — personnel, V-1-C1-b-NM, DFRC.

64. "Record of Inspection," filled out by Raymond Higgins, October 10, 1939, in RG 79, file 204, DFRC.

65. Lyle Bennett to Pinkley, March 21, 1934, RG 79, file 201, DFRC.

66. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative," April and May 1934, RG 79, file 207-02, DFRC.

67. "Talk by Mrs Frey, Albert Gallegos and Manuel De Vargas," June 23, 1980. Oral history tape on file at Bandelier National Monument.

68. Pinkley to Hub Chase, July 16, 1934, RG 79, file 201, DFRC; Hugh Miller to Pinkley, October 12, 1938, RG 79, file 204-30, DFRC; and others.

69. Attwell to Pinkley, January 9, 1934, RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

70. Ibid.

71. Ibid.

72. Hugh Miller, Bandelier E.C.W.," March 16, 1934, RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

73. Thomas C. Vint to the director, RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

74. Series of telegrams from Pinkley and others, RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

75. Pinkley to Evenstad, June 13, 1934, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

76. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, May 26, 1934," RG 79, file 207-02, DFRC.

77. Charles A. Richey to Pinkley, May 12, 1934, RG 79, file 201, DFRC.

78. Charles A. Richey, "Report to the Chief Architect...," submitted August 12, 1933, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

79. Charles A. Richey to Edward Nickel, June 23, 1934, RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

80. Ibid.

81. Bunting, John Gaw Meem, 7-9, 14-17, 73-86.

82. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, January 1934," RG 79, file 207-02, DFRC.

83. "Report to the Chief Architect . . . 5th Period (1936)," RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

84. Ibid.

85. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, November 1938," RG 79, file 207-02, DFRC.

86. "Final Construction Report — Paving Entrance Road and Parking Area," RG 79, file 107.22, DFRC.

87. Charles A. Richey and Jared B. Morse, "Report to Thomas C. Vint . . . on Emergency Consideration Work . . . 3rd Enrollment Period (1934) ...," RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

88. Walter Attwell to Frank A. Kittredge, 11 March 1934, RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

89. Charles Richey to William Carnes/Edward Nickel, 19 September 1934, RG 79, file 000, DFRC. Boss Pinkley wrote to the director about increasing the $1,500 limitation on construction projects at Bandelier and Chiricahua. He received word back that the limitation applied to monuments as well as parks. The Forest Service limitation was $2,500, so a precedent did exist for constructing ECW buildings on federal lands for amounts in excess of $1,500. Hillory Tolson concluded, "Occasionally in certain special instances where the $1,500 limit appears to be too low for a building which is essential and not of too elaborate a character to be undertaken under the ECW program, administration consideration is given to an increase in this amount. In these instances complete estimates and thorough justifications must be submitted and must have the concurrence of the Branch of Engineering and Branch of Plans and Design before they can be given favorable consideration by the Director." (Hillory Tolson to Pinkley, 28 January 1936, RG 79, file 000, DFRC).

90. H.B. Chase, "Reporting ECW Activities . . . April 1 to September 30, 1935...," no pagination. Report on file at Bandelier.

91. Ibid.

92. F.A. Kittredge to Boss Pinkley, 8 January 1936, RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

93. Earl Jackson to Boss Pinkley, 25 April 1935, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

94. Earl Jackson to Pinkley, 29 July 1935, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

95. Rothman, Bandelier National Monument, 85-86.

96. Conrad Wirth to Pinkley, 10 March 1936, RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

97. Hugh Miller to assistant regional officer, Santa Fe (ECW?), 9 February 1937, RG 79, file Bandelier NM-1-Personnel V-1-C1-b-NM, DFRC.

98. Boss Pinkley to Earl Jackson, 17 June 1935, RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

99. Pinkley to William Carnes, 26 December 1935, RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

100. Carnes to Pinkley, 6 January 1936, RG 79, file 000, DFRC.

101. Hillory Tolson to Pinkley, 3 March 1939, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

102. Tolson to the director, 13 May 1939, RG 79, file 601-03.1, DFRC. The new location for the Bandelier CCC camp was proposed to be built on the site of F-19-NM, an earlier Forest Service CCC camp. The author did not have time to track down whether the Water Canyon site and F-19-NM are the same. Building a new CCC camp on an old site would be very sensible. The site would already be graded, and water would be readily available. The new camp at Water Canyon was called NP-4-N; the one in Frijoles Canyon had been NM-1-n.

103. "Daily Reports," by CCC Inspector Raymond Higgins, July 1939, RG 79, file 204, DFRC.

104. Hub Chase to Hugh Milker, 27 February 1940, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

105. Milton McColm (acting regional director) to Frank Andrews, forest supervisor, Santa Fe National Forest, 7 March 1940, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

106. Milton McColm to the director, 5 March 1940, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

107. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, January 1941," in "Superintendent (sic) Monthly Narrative 1941-1950." Bandelier National Monument.

108. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, May 1941." Bandelier.

109. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, June 1941." Bandelier.

110. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, July 1941." Bandelier.

111. Form 10-374, Record of Inspection, 18 June 1941, RG 79, file 204, DFRC.

112. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, July 1941." Bandelier.

113. See records of inspection, forms 10-374, RG 79, file 204, DFRC.

114. A.W. Stockman, special investigator, Headquarters Company 815 CCC, "Camp NM 1 N Bandelier Supplementary Report," attached to letter Hub Chase to Pinkley, January 11, 1939, RG 79, file 204, DFRC.

115. Miller to Pinkley, August 29, 1938, and October 12, 1938, RG 79, file 204-30, DFRC.

116. Miller to Pinkley, October 12, 1938, RG 79, file 204-30, DFRC. CCC building went on at Chiricahua National Monument, but the scale was considerably smaller — visitor center, residences, campground, trails and the like — and without the extravagance of as many finely honed details as at Bandelier.

117. Reports of inspection, Bandelier National Monument, by Hugh Miller, superintendent of Southwestern Monuments, June 21, 22, and October 5, 1941, RG 79, file 204, DFRC.

118. Bulletin, Custodian Chester A. Thomas, November 27, 1941, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

119. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, December 1941." Bandelier.

120. Charles A. Richey, superintendent, Southwestern Monuments, to the Treasury Department, November 17, 1942, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

121. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative," September 1943 and June 1944, Bandelier.

122. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, January 1942," Bandelier.

123. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative," April, May, and October 1942, Bandelier.

124. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, September 1942," Bandelier.

125. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, December 1942," Bandelier.

126. Truslow, Manhattan District History, 1-3.

127. Ibid., 3. The name "Los Alamos was classified information at the time. People from Santa Fe referred to it as "the Hill." People connected with the project called it Site Y, Project Y, the Zia Project, Santa Fe, Area L, Shangri La, Happy Valley, and other names.

128. Ross Maxwell, acting superintendent, memo to the files, December 19, 1942, RG 79, file 200, DFRC.

129. Maxwell, memo to the files, January 11, 1943. RG 79, file 200, DFRC; and "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, February 1943," Bandelier.

130. Los Alamos Laboratory, "Minutes of the Meeting of the Governing Board," 17 May 1943. Los Alamos Laboratory Records Center and Archives (hereafter LANL-RCA).

131. Los Alamos Laboratory, "Minutes of the Meeting of the Governing Board," May 24, 1943, LANL-RCA.

132. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, June 1943," Bandelier.

133. Ibid.

134. "Interview with Dr. and Mrs. Richard Taschek, April 13, 1984," on file at Bandelier.

135. Ibid. Also, the laboratory's minutes for September 9, 1943, LANL-RCA, record the dissatisfaction with Del Monte ranch. Besides taking additional guests, Miss Huntinghouse imposed the conditions "no children, no laundry, wives will take care of their own rooms." The board considered the situation unavoidable and "unsatisfactory from the security point of view" and "reluctantly approved housing people in Del Monte" while waiting for construction at Los Alamos to catch up with the demand.

136. Taschek interview, Bandelier.

137. "Interview with Mrs. Evelyn Frey, April 10, 1984," on file at Bandelier.

138. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, October 1943," Bandelier.

139. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, February 1944," Bandelier. McKee Construction Company was building housing in Los Alamos (Kunetka, City of Fire, 94, 117).

140. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, February 1944," Bandelier. The custodian also went into detail about "warrants sworn out by the U.S. Employment Service" against himself and the head of McKee Construction charging aggravated racial discrimination in housing. The warrants were subsequently dropped.

141. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative," March, May, and June 1944, Bandelier.

142. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, July 1944," Bandelier.

143. Los Alamos Laboratory, "Minutes of the Meeting of the Administrative Board," May 25 and July 6, 1944, LANL-RCA. A list of personnel using Frijoles Canyon Lodge during 1943 was unavailable. None of the 1944 overnight guests' names could be tracked down through readily available sources. Dinner guests in 1944 included Joseph Hirschfelder, chief consultant on bomb damage experiments; Marshall Holloway, responsible for pit assembly and "final merging of fissionable material"; Eric Jette, who cast and shaped the sphere of plutonium for Fat Man; Captain William S. Parsons of the navy, the head of Ordnance Division, who refined the external casings and improved the in-flight characteristics of Fat Man and Little Boy; L.G. Parratt, head of instrumentation; and David Hawkins, head of administration of security matters and later in charge of the history group (Sources: Kunetka, City of Fire; Truslow, Manhattan District History; and Hawkins, Manhattan District History; and memo, Muncy to Oppenheimer, October 25, 1944). Mrs. Frey stated in the April 10, 1984, interview that she and Robert and Kitty Oppenheimer were close friends, and that the Oppenheimers often stayed with her. She was somewhat unclear about the exact time period.

144. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, August 1944," Bandelier.

145. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, October 1944," Bandelier.

146. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative," passim., June 1942 through September 1944, Bandelier.

147. Santa Fe New Mexican, August 6, 1945.

148. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, September 1945," Bandelier.

149. According to Harris, Dictionary of Architecture and Construction, the process of calcimining or kalsomining consists of "a low-cost wash coating consisting of glue and whiting (usually powdered calcium carbonate) mixed with water, sometimes tinted; used on plaster or masonry-type surfaces." The recipe for Bandelier's calcimining does not appear in the documents.

150. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, January 1946," Bandelier.

151. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative," April and May 1946, Bandelier.

152. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, July 1946," Bandelier.

153. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, September 1, 1946," Bandelier.

154. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative," July and September 1951 and others, Bandelier.

155. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, September 1, 1946," Bandelier.

156. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative," September and October 1948, October and December 1949, October 1950, 1951, and May 1956, Bandelier.

157. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative," June 1949 and July 1952, Bandelier.

158. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative, June 1947," Bandelier.

159. "Custodian's Monthly Narrative," September and November 1960, and Frey interviews, on file at Bandelier.

160. Drawings 315/80000, 315/80000A, and 315/80025, Denver Service Center.

161. Frey interview, April 10, 1984, on file at Bandelier.

162. Final Master Plan, Bandelier National Monument, April 1977, 13, Bandelier.

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