Agate Fossil Beds National Monument
As proposed by the Agate Fossil Beds National Monument Association, Agate, Nebraska
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THE AGATE FOSSIL BEDS NATIONAL MONUMENT ASSOCIATION was organized on April 17, 1964, when 28 persons met at the Agate Springs Ranch to offer their assistance to The National Park Service in efforts to obtain National Monument status for the site. Ten directors were elected by the group, representing most all the communities in Northwest Nebraska, and officers chosen to direct activities of the non-profit Association.

The first act was to get the association formally organized and incorporated under the statutes of the State of Nebraska. The purposes of the Association, as listed in the Articles of Incorporation, are:

1. To assist in the scientific, educational, historical and interpretive activities of the National Park Service in the administration of Agate Fossil Beds National Monument;

2. To handle, buy and sell such Government and private publications, illustrative materials, goods and merchandise as may be approved by the Government;

3. To assist in the development and maintenance of Agate Fossil Beds National Monument library facilities;

4. To assist in the preserving of objects or documents important to Agate Fossil Beds National Monument and the gathering and preservation of scientific and historical information pertaining thereto;

5. To exercise the powers conferred by the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act.

In order to finance the promotional purposes above outlined, the Association sells annual memberships to individuals for $1; annual sustaining memberships to firms or corporations at a minimum of $5; and life memberships for $100.

These funds collected to date have made the publication of this book possible.

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Last Updated: 12-Nov-2010