Intelligence Analysis

ISB's Intelligence Analyst doesn't always work behind the scenes. Here she helps eradicate an illegal marijuana cultivation site from a national park. NPS photo.
ISB's Intelligence Analyst doesn't always work behind the scenes. Here she helps eradicate an illegal marijuana cultivation site from a national park.

NPS photo by the Investigative Services Branch.

An Integral Part of What We Do

Intelligence analysis has been a component of the NPS Investigative Services Branch (ISB) since 2010. Our intelligence analyst is stationed within the Pacific Field Office and works on cases throughout the National Park System. In addition to assisting with National Park Service cases, the intelligence analyst also aids investigations for cooperating and partner agencies, providing critical analytical support. Read about them in our Annual Reports.

Using a toolkit of intelligence resources, services provided include:

Cell Phone Mapping
Financial Analysis
Link Analysis
Telephone Toll Analysis
Social Media Analysis
Organizational Charts

Last updated: May 23, 2022