Kingston Travel ItineraryKingston Travel Itinerary


Matthew Person House
Photograph by John E. Reinhardt

  Side detail, c. 1885
Photograph courtesy of John F. Matthews

This Dutch Colonial house, on the southeast corner of John and Crown Streets is a 17th-century remnant of the days just after Kingston and the rest of the Dutch colony of New Netherland came under British control. Sergeant Matthew Person arrived in Kingston in 1663 while under the command of Dutch Army Captain Martin Kregier, when the Dutch military came to rescue several white hostages that Esopus Indians had kidnaped and held captive. When the Dutch forces disbanded after the British captured New Amsterdam (New York City) and the rest of New Netherland in 1664, Person decided to settle in Kingston, although many of his countryman left America and returned to the Netherlands. Several generations of the Person family occupied the house until the 1820s, when the building was converted for use as a public house. Later, Dr. John Goodwin took up residence, and added a wing for use as a drug store and grocery. Around 1900, the entire property passed to Ulster County, and has since been used for offices of the 4-H club, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and the Agricultural Department. This building is one of four pre-Revolutionary War buildings located on the corner of John and Crown Streets.

The Matthew Person House is located in the Stockade Historic District at 74 John Street, at the corner of Crown Street. The house is open from May 24 through August 30: Tuesday through Friday 10am to 4pm & Saturdays 9 to 3pm, and September 6 through November 22: Saturdays Only 10am to 2pm or by Appointment. Visit the website for more information.


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