
The National Mall and Memorial Parks' public space recycling program is funded through a generous donation from The Coca-Cola Company, in coordination with the Trust for the National Mall, the National Parks Foundation, and NPS. Over 250 blue bins throughout the National Mall and East and West Potomac Parks collect recyclables from visitors, helping us to divert more than a quarter of our visitors' waste away from the incinerator, thus conserving resources. Recycling messaging and campaigns are designed to increase recycling awareness and use of these bins. In addition, park rangers and volunteers use portable recycling bins to accommodate additional recycling needs during large events, such as the annual National Cherry Blossom Festival and the Independence Day Celebration. We encourage those seeking permits for events at the National Mall to use waste reduction strategies and to provide recycling at their events.

How you can help, at the park and at home: use the blue bins to recycle your bottles and cans; use a reusable water bottle; avoid purchases that create unnecessary waste; compost your organic waste and lawn debris at home

Every year, volunteers help to recycle during the Independence Day Celebration.

Last updated: April 10, 2015

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