Museum Handbook: Primer on Disaster Preparedness
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Seek the advice of specialists who can assist at the site of the disaster.

Organize a disaster team and prepare a comprehensive plan of action, as well as plans for different contingencies.

Do not attempt to remove materials from the area until an overall plan with a schedule of priorities has been established and all personnel thoroughly briefed and trained.

In winter, turn off all heat in the building. In summer, reduce temperatures as much as possible through air-conditioning.

Create maximum air flow through all affected areas by opening doors and windows. If electrical facilities are operational, use as many fans as can be acquired to create a current of air so directed as to expel humid air from the building. Use de humidifiers together with air conditioning and a good air flow. The objective is to avoid pockets of stagnant air and to reduce moisture content.

If house electricity is not available, hire portable generators to provide electricity for lights, fan, dehumidifiers, and other electrical services. For safety purposes, all electrical lines should be waterproofed and grounded and be administered by health and safety personnel.

Do not permit anyone to open wet books; to separate single sheets; to remove covers when materials are water-soaked; or to disturb wet file boxes, prints, drawings, and photographs. Such handling can result in extensive and often irreparable damage to materials that otherwise might be salvaged. Reducing the cost of future restoration must be one of the top priorities of the salvage operation.

Canvass the community to locate freezing and storage space.

Locate sources of one cubic foot milk crates and corrugated board boxes.

