Sunset in the Yosemite Valley - William Bradford The Matterhorn - Albert Bierstadt
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Frederick Billings
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The Museum Management Program, National Park Service initiated, developed, and coordinated this World Wide Web project to highlight paintings in the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park collections.

Joan Bacharach, Museum Curator, and Access and Use Team Coordinator

Amber Young, Visual Information Specialist

Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park.

Janet Houghton, Museum Curator, developed the thematic exhibit label copy, selected paintings and photographs, and wrote captions for this web exhibit.

Dutch Pinkie Coming to Anchor - Henry S. [Harry] Chase, Jr.On the Road to Biskra - Frederic BridgmanFrederick Billings  - Thomas Waterman WoodGeorge Perkins Marsh - Pach BrothersLaurance and Mary Rockefeller