U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Museum Collections
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Bow Ties
Truman, the former haberdasher, was always meticulous about his appearance. He often wore bowties during his time in the Senate. Mrs. Truman did not care for her husband's bow ties.

Ties from left to right.

Bow Tie
Bug and mushroom motif on brown ground.
By Resilio

Silk, metal. L 82.0, W 5,6, T 0.3 cm
Harry S Truman National Historic Site, HSTR 23216

Bow Tie
Red devil pattern on blue ground.
Invizo Size Bow Tie, sold by Calvin Curtis, 60 East 55 St. NY
Silk, metal. L 84.4, W 4.4, T 0.3 cm
Harry S Truman National Historic Site, HSTR 23222

Bow Tie
White diamonds and small oblong green shapes on gray ground.
Silk, metal. L 81.9, W 4.6, T 0.3 cm
Harry S Truman National Historic Site, HSTR 23231

Bow Tie
Orange, white and black pattern on green ground.
The Original Adusto Tie
Silk, metal. L 80.7, W 5.0, T 0.3 cm
Harry S Truman National Historic Site, HSTR 23224

Bow Tie
Dark blue with blue and turquoise dyed designs.
Made for Sulka & Company, 6 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago, London, Paris, New York
Fabric. L 76.4, W 5.4, T 0.3 cm
Harry S Truman National Historic Site, HSTR 23215

Bow Tie
Navy and purple blocks on white ground.
Made for Saks & Co. 661 5th Ave. New York
Rayon, metal. L 83.5, W 6.0, T 0.3 cm
Harry S Truman National Historic Site, HSTR 23237

Bow Tie
Orange and blue fish on red ground.
Made by Bronzini, New York and carried by Hatings, California
Silk, metal. L 77.0, W 5.4, T 0.3 cm
Harry S Truman National Historic Site, HSTR 23245