tools for a blacksmith

Blacksmithing Tools
Johnny Grant had his own blacksmith. Kohrs and Warren often hired blacksmiths and farriers or horseshoers, in town. They made the branding irons for the ranch, shoed their horses, and repaired ironwork. On an isolated ranch, a skilled cowboy would do shoeing, and the rancher himself, basic ironwork. Pictured here is a scoop for pouring flux [top]. Flux, such as borax, was used when welding hot iron to ensure a clean weld. At center is a pair of tongs used to hold hot iron, and at bottom is a pair of hoof trimmers.

Flux Tool [top]
c 1935
Forged iron. L 44.5
Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, GRKO 1505

Tongs [middle]
c 1935
Ferrous metal. L 35.5 cm
Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, GRKO 1511

Blacksmith Nipper [bottom]
Forged iron. L 62.5
Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, GRKO 1516

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