
As part of a daily routine, Douglass walked after breakfast and then spent up to five hours a day studying and writing in his library. Douglass was self-taught and continued to read and learn throughout his life. In addition to reading and writing, Douglass taught himself multiple languages, how to read music and to play the violin.

At his roll top desk Douglass wrote numerous speeches and his final autobiography, The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. It was published in 1881. Douglass’s extensive library contained more then 1000 volumes that included books on history, science, government, law, religion and literature. The walls of the library displayed portraits of people Douglass knew and admired such as Susan B. Anthony, William Lloyd Garrison, John Brown and Wendell Phillips.

In addition to his books, many of ‘Douglass’ other personal items can be seen in this room such as a collection of his canes, his pens and top hat.