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General of the Army Rank Insignia
c 1945
Made by Morrie Luxenberg, New York City, stamped on back "Luxenberg / STERLING" 

Eisenhower's General of the Army insignia. It was worn on epaulet of his uniform.

On December 16, 1944, as the German army launched a counter offensive in the Ardennes Forest of Belgium and Luxembourg, Eisenhower was informed that he was to be promoted to five-star General. His official rank would be General of the Army. The other three Americans to hold that rank in World War II included George C. Marshall, who served as Chief of Staff, Douglas MacArthur in the Pacific Theater, and Henry “Hap” Arnold, commander of the U.S. Army Air Forces. 

Silver, brass. H 3.0, W 3.1, T 0.9 cm
Eisenhower National Historic Site, EISE 15721.