
Loop Road Audio Tour Conclusion

Cowpens National Battlefield



For more information about the Battle at the Cowpens as well as other American Revolution engagements, visit the park visitor center. There you will find books and other merchandise for sale. There also you’ll watch an award-winning video on the battle, shown on the hour, 9 a. m. to 4 p.m. A 12 minute fiber optic map program also helps bring the battle to life. In addition, a 1-mile round trip self-guided battlefield walking tour begins and ends behind the visitor center.

Thank you for visiting Cowpens National Battlefield, protected and administered by the National Park Service. We hope the driving tour has increased your understanding of and appreciation for the historical landscape and the decisive battle that occurred here more than 200 years ago. Please drive safely and visit us again in the future.

Music ending


This is the conclusion to the audio auto loop road tour, narrated by Edwin C. Bearss. Length 1:16 1.16 MB

Date Created


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