
Turning Point

Chamizal National Memorial


[triumphant music]

(Male Narrator) Today the people of free, democratic Mexico come together to welcome the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy, and Mrs. Kennedy.


President Kennedy is welcomed by President López Mateos of Mexico in the tradition of peace and friendship between our two nations.


(John F. Kennedy) We share a border of 2,000 miles. Over 3 million of our citizens in the United States are descended from your citizens. Most of all, we are both children of revolution. And it is of my hope that the spirit of our revolution in the United States is as alive today in our country as is the spirit of your revolution here in Mexico.

[crowd cheering]

(Jacqueline Kennedy) [speaking in Spanish] [voiceover] Each visit is like arriving to a new country. We see, everywhere, your efforts to create a better life for your people. But I also see many things that have not changed, and I hope they never change. The values of your culture— your profound belief in the dignity of man— have been expressed in your art and literature for centuries.


(John F. Kennedy) Our two nations have been blessed with the same blessing of liberty. We now dream the same dream of opportunity in the future. And our two continuing revolutions have now been joined as one. One great effort in one great continent. In one great Alianza para el Progreso. Viva México.

[acoustic guitar music]

[crowd cheering]

[acoustic guitar music]


US President John F. Kennedy met with Mexican President Adolfo López Mateos in Mexico City in 1962. Their meeting was the turning point in negotiations to find a solution to the Chamizal dispute.


2 minutes, 10 seconds



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