
Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree National Park


>My name is Jamie Richards.

>My name is Robb.

>I’m Phyllis Clawson

>Hi, my name is Caitlynn Marrs. I’m an archeologist here in at park.

>My husband Dick and I are the volunteer campground hosts.

>An interpretive park ranger.

>And I’m a fee ranger here at Joshua Tree National Park.

Jamie> National Parks are very, very special and very, very unique to the American story.

Robb> The reason they’re special is the botany, the animals, the culture. It’s the scenery. It’s the beauty. It’s a place of solitude and therapy.

Caitlynn> Everywhere you go, you’ll find something unique and different.

Phyliss> It’s a wonderful place for people to come and see the beauty of nature protected.

Robb> There’s something about the desert. Places like mountains and steep canyons. All these places are significant to us because they’re beautiful, but sometimes adjectives don’t explain the experience of a natural landscape.


Jamie> Some people come for recreation opportunities. I want to go experience the wilderness. I want to go take a walk and be able to take it all in.

Caitlynn> Having these places that can remind us of what it used to be like, I think is really special.

Jamie> Everyone finds their own meaning in a national park. It’s about finding your own connection, finding your own passion, and finding a place that you can call home.

Robb> The mission to preserve and protect places of national heritage, to make them enjoyable for people today as well as considering the people well into the future, is a very good ethic.


What does the National Park Service mean to you?

Music: Gillicuddy - Springish (CC BY 3.0)


3 minutes, 13 seconds


NPS/Brad Sutton

Date Created


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