Public Involvement

The Lower Delaware River Management Plan provides a vision for the future of the river and context for future actions that emphasize local control and home rule. The heart of the vision is expressed in the six Management Goals that were crafted by the Lower Delaware Wild and Scenic River Task Force prior to national designation.

A cooperative approach to management is envisioned with the National Park Service and the existing Lower Delaware Wild & Scenic Management Committee (local and state governments, non-profits) assisting the existing institutions and authorities and local communities with the implementation of the plan and outreach to the public. Listed below are links to related websites and reports.

National Wild & Scenic Rivers Program
Lower Delaware on the National Wild & Scenic River website (exact limits of the designated wild & scenic river)

Partnership Wild & Scenic Rivers

Delaware River Basin Commission

Lower Delaware National Wild & Scenic River (a non-profit organization)

The First 15 Years - Reports on the Accomplishments of the Lower Delaware National Wild & Scenic River Program

Last updated: October 26, 2023

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Mailing Address:

NPS Wild & Scenic Rivers
1234 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA 19107



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