Living off the land

Hunting, Fishing and Berry Picking
Only local rural residents are allowed to hunt in this national park. All hunters are required to have an Alaska state hunting license and follow federal subsistence regulations. Anyone may fish in the park. Anglers need to have an Alaska state fishing license, which can be obtained in Kotzebue or online. Berry picking is a popular with local people in the region, and visitors are welcome to enjoy this activity as well. People can pick berries for their personal consumption, but not for commercial sale.

Subsistence Users
Federally qualified subsistence users are local rural residents who live year round in one of the four villages near the park. The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) dictates that this group has a right to harvest plants and animals in the park to sustain themselves and their families. Qualified subsistence users often hunt big game animals like caribou and moose. They can also trap fur-bearers and take certain birds according to regulated seasons and bag limits. Many village residents catch hundreds of salmon and whitefish in set nets each summer. Those fish are dried and eaten throughout the year. Please respect all local subsistence hunting and gathering and give people a wide berth so they can finish their work without interruption.

Last updated: October 21, 2015

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Mailing Address:

PO Box 1029
Kotzebue, AK 99752


907 442-3890

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