New Discoveries

We are still discovering new species and learning new things. Check out our latest new discoveries.
  • A bear noses a sea otter carcass.
    Bears and Sea Otters

    New evidence of bear predation on sea otters has interesting implications for them both.

  • A marine inlet.
    Marine Heatwaves

    The Pacific Marine Heatwave (2014-2016) had impacts throughout the marine food chain. They will continue to occur; we're learning from them.

  • A close up of lichens
    Lichen Inventory

    Lichen inventories of Southwest Alaska parks have included the discovery of 16 species new to science and others new to Alaska.

  • A brown bear eats a clam on the beach.
    Changing Tides

    Changing Tides explores how bears, clams, and people interact along the Southwest Alaska coast. Read about our discoveries.

Last updated: April 1, 2023