Text banner: "That is Nicodemus." Willina Hickman  vividly recalled her feelings upon first seeing Nicodemus with her husband, Daniel, in the Spring of 1878.

Many settlers were at first shocked by the unfamiliar and apparently harsh western environment. They found a bleak scene of people living in the ground “like prairie dogs” as Willina remembered.

Few may have guessed that they were witnessing the founding of what would become the oldest continuously occupied town west of the Mississippi planned and settled by African Americans.

A prairie vista, showing the blue sky stretching on forever above the expanse of prairie grasses. These prairie vistas were at first strange and overwhelming.
prairie grass (line drawing) Where is Nicodemus? Visit the index for additional stories Visit Nicodemus National Historical Park Learn more about Black History in your National Parks Learn about Black History Month events in your National Parks Visit ParkNet