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CSS Styles

The Style dropdown menu displays the available Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) you can choose from to implement styling in HTML:

CSS styles can be made available for text, images, and tables. If you want to set or change the CSS style for specific text, select and choose a CSS style from the dropdown menu in the toolbar.

If you place the cursor inside a paragraph that has CSS styles applied to only certain parts of it, and then select a style from the drop-down menu, the CSS style will be set for all the words in the paragraph, except for the ones that already had a style defined.

If you place the cursor inside a word within a paragraph, and that word has a CSS style set (Style A), and then apply a new style (Style B), all the words in that paragraph formatted with Style A will switch to Style B formatting (all these words were included in the same CSS style tag - a <SPAN> tag). This feature saves time because you don’t have to repeatedly select text and apply styles within a paragraph.

(missing or bad snippet) For predictable text appearance and efficient HTML, try not to make repeated style changes to a particular section of text. Repeated style changes create overly-complex HTML code and can produce unexpected display results in the Mozilla/Firefox browser. To manage the CSS styles more efficiently, use the Tag Selector to easily select and remove unnecessary <SPAN> tags (corresponding to already-set CSS styles) from the code.


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